(A) the order of love
As far as human development is concerned, the family is the most basic and important institution. Heininger found that in the family system, there are some hidden motives to control the relationship between family members-the order of love, which does not follow the social and cultural standards or rules, but operates on these standards or rules. If we get along with our families in the order of love, our relationship will be very good and everyone will grow up happily and healthily; If we ignore it, our family will be troubled, and these troubles are "implicated". Bert Hellinger
Heininger found that many people's physical and mental problems are actually caused by "involvement". "Implication" can be said to be "repeating the fate of a former family member". And the beginning of many "implications" is caused by children's simple "love" for their parents in the early days, trying to take over their parents. In today's psychoanalytic concept, it is because a person has failed to separate from his parents. In a family, this unfinished separation may also be a series of "implicated" relationships in the family. "Involvement" will make a family member have incomprehensible thoughts, emotions, behaviors, poor interpersonal relationships, diseases and psychological problems from childhood, and continue throughout his life. These hidden motives influence or control us, and we hardly realize their existence, but in fact we may feel hurt because we don't respect them. Therefore, we can know its existence from these injuries. Heininger's "family system arrangement" therapy is to expose the reasons of "involvement" through the method he developed, and often find out the possibility of solution.
(B) Morphological field theory
Morphogenetic field, also known as "image field", is a "* * *" theory put forward by Dr. Rupert Shedorek, a special researcher of the Royal Society. In his view, not only sounds can produce * * * sounds, but events can also produce * * * sounds. He called the place where similar events happened continuously "forming field" and called the similar events "forming * * * sound".
The most important point of the theory of "morphogenetic field" is that once it is formed, it can spread.
Crossing the boundaries of time and space. In other words, as long as there is a "morphological field", it may affect other places instantly, which can also be regarded as a rapidly changing world.
Second, the process of family system arrangement.
Three stages
The first stage: presenting the memory and inner picture of the parties. (destructive images)
The second stage: we began to experiment step by step to find new pictures.
The final stage: let the arranged pictures be determined. In the secret and harmonious state of love, every member of the extended family has an appropriate position and role. (Solution Screen)
(2) Arrangements for establishing a system
1. Family information to pay attention to before arrangement.
Did anyone in my family die prematurely?
Has anyone in my family ever committed a crime?
Did my parents have a relationship before?
Have you ever had a difficult fate among family members?
L has the relationship between the child and his biological parents been seriously hurt?
Are some people forced to leave their families or their motherland?
Are any of the members' parents from abroad?
2. Establishment of institutional arrangement conditions
(1) Attitude of parties and participants-rigorous but not mysterious.
(2) Choose a representative-the representative and the person he wants to play are of the same sex.
(3) Ignoring the information and explanation of the representative.
3. Arrangement principle
(1) First-come-first-served is preferred, and the present home takes precedence over the previous home;
(2) In the system arrangement, the priority order is clockwise, and the latecomers stand on the left of the first person;
(3) between men and women who enter the family at the same time, usually the man enters first and the woman goes out later. There may be special circumstances, but the general principle is that the person in charge of family external security has priority.
(4) In the problem-solving arrangement, children are usually arranged in the order of birth, and the boss is on the mother's left. When children stand opposite their parents, the institutional arrangements are usually more relaxed.
(5) stillborn children usually stand among brothers and sisters in the order of birth. A child who has an abortion, if he is important to the system, usually sits in front of his parents and feels better by leaning against them.
(6) When a man and a woman are arranged face to face, it shows that their sexual behavior has been interrupted;
(7) When all the delegates are facing one direction, it means that they are looking for the missing person in front of them;
(8) When participants have the impulse to leave the room or arrange the system, they should be suspected of suicidal tendencies.
4. The process of institutional arrangement
When arranging, the therapist will first find a group of people, slightly more than the important members of the family from which the client comes. At the beginning of the case, the parties will be asked to choose one person to represent his father, one person to represent his mother and one person to represent himself, and then others may be chosen to represent other important members of the family system. More people may be added in the future. Then the client takes everyone's hand and intuitively takes everyone to a certain place in the room. When he did this, he didn't speak. He put everyone in the room he thought was "here" and saw the direction he wanted them to face. You don't have to ask the delegates to make any specific gestures, actions or speeches. Everyone just needs to stand where the client put it.
From the network, for reference only!