First, modify the first half.
1) can overload the virtual function SetTitle of the document class.
void CT est Doc::settile(lpctstr lpsz title){ CDocument::settile(l " your title "); } You can also add settile (L "your title") in CTestDoc::OnNewDocument ();
Second, modify the second half.
1) Modify the resource string:
Modify the IDR_MAINFRAME in the resource file to
Modify/n/nchange/n/n/nchangetitle.document/nchangedocument here.
The meaning of each substring in the resource string can be referred to as the meaning of each substring in the IDR_MAINFRAME string resource.
2) Use the SetWindowText(L "Your Title") of the frame window class:
Call the following statement in the application class CTestApp::InitInstance ()
m _ pMainWnd-& gt; SetWindowText(L "your title");
Or use afxgetmainwnd ()-> elsewhere; SetWindowText(L "your title");
3) If you want to remove the "-"sign in the middle of the title, you can copy the OnUpdateFrameTitle function of the CFramWnd class, which cannot be found in the help file provided by VC and must be added manually.
Virtual void on updateframe (boolnada);
void CMainFrame::OnUpdateFrameTitle(BOOL NaDa){ CString cs appname;
csAppName。 Format (afx _ ids _ app _ title);
SetWindowText(cs appname); } The result displayed at this time is only the string defined by the string resource AFX_IDS_APP_TITLE.
4) Modify the window style in the PreCreateWindow function of CMainFrame:
Returns cframewnd:: precreatewindow (cs); } Using this method, the title of the window only displays the part before the first /n in the IDR_MAINFRAME string.