The explanation of sudden death

Sudden death refers to the sudden and unexpected non-violent death or accidental death of a seemingly healthy person under the action of internal or external factors.

Due to the lack of uniform regulations on "sudden", it can be divided into: immediate death or immediate death: the patient dies within a few seconds and minutes after onset; Unexpected death expect the unexpected's death: he died within 1 hour after symptoms appeared; Sudden death: death within 1~24 hours after symptoms appear. Sudden death may occur at any age, including infants, children, adolescents, young people and the elderly.

Sudden death occurs in people who are usually healthy or basically healthy. Sudden death of special population includes sudden death of athletes and sudden infant death syndrome. Strictly speaking, a patient who has died is called sudden death, and a successful resuscitation is called an attempted sudden death or a cardiac arrest survivor, but all of the above can be called sudden death.