So, how to keep pets healthy? You may say: Eat well, exercise every day and stay healthy.
But in fact, health includes physical, psychological and emotional aspects, which can keep you healthy.
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Speaking of health, various factors will affect the overall health of pets, including:
1, dietary nutrition:
Feeding a high-quality diet is very important for health and ensuring that pets get the nutrition they need. Adult dogs need to contain high levels of animal protein, water, fiber and fatty acids in their diet to thrive. Adult cats need high protein content, vitamin A, essential fatty acids and taurine.
2. Healthy weight:
Overweight dogs and cats are at increased risk of diseases such as diabetes, liver disease, heart disease, cancer, joint problems and shortened life expectancy. Good pet health depends on daily exercise and weight control.
3, dental health:
Brush dogs and cats, and provide regular veterinary dental care to reduce the risk of gingivitis and tooth loss, as well as heart, liver and kidney diseases.
/d6ca 7 BCB 0 a 46 f 2 1 FBA 775 e 9 bfd 246 b 600d 33 aeb 2? X-BCE-process = image/resize, m _ lfit, w _ 450, h _ 600, limit _ 1/quality, q _ 854, veterinary examination:
Go to the vet regularly, not only for vaccination, but also for regular physical examination to understand the physical condition of the pet.
5. Preventive drugs:
These measures include preventing intestinal parasites such as tapeworms and external parasites such as fleas and ticks. Intestinal parasites can cause malnutrition and dehydration, vomiting and diarrhea. Fleas and ticks can cause anemia, fleas can carry tapeworms, and ticks can spread Lyme disease and zoonosis.
6, regular beauty:
Beauty not only refers to styling, but also includes basic care such as grooming, pruning, ears, eyes and claws. Dogs and cats need regular grooming to keep their fur clean, while cats need grooming to reduce the incidence of hairball diseases.
/500 FD 9 F9 d 72 a 60593553 e 1d 22334349 b 023 bbab 2? X-BCE-process = image/resize, m _ lfit, w _ 450, h _ 600, limit _ 1/quality, q _ 857, preventing contact with toxins and dangers:
It is necessary to ensure that pets are not exposed to electric shocks, household chemicals, cleaning products, plants that are toxic to pets and other foods that are toxic to pets to avoid the harm of second-hand smoke.
8. Protection:
Extreme heat, cold and exposure. Never lock the dog in the car to prevent it from heatstroke, skin cancer and a bad cold if it is exposed to the sun for too long.
9. Outdoor safety:
Take care of the dog when you are away from home, so as to avoid accidents, fights, poisoning, stealing dogs, parasites and other dangers.
10, observation:
Pay close attention to their physical or behavioral changes, including body lumps, abnormal eyes or nose, weight changes and behavioral changes.
/267 F9 e2f 07082838 c 6d 6 dcdcb 399 a 90 14d 08 f 1 1b? X-BCE-process = image/resize, m _ lfit, w _ 450, h _ 600, limit _ 1/quality, q _ 85 seconds, mental health.
Pets are like people who need psychological stimulation. Imagine being tied up in the backyard all day, not in contact with humans or other animals, or being alone in a cage. Will you be healthy? Keeping your pet mentally active is as important as taking care of his body.
Mental health includes:
1, social:
Socializing with people will make your pet positive and confident. Socialization can increase dogs' positive social skills, including improving timidity, aggression or emotional tension.
2. Play every day:
All animals, including wild animals, like to play, which is the most important thing besides life and reproduction, and may also be the most interesting thing. Playing with pets every day can release their energy, enhance the emotional connection between you and effectively prevent behavioral problems.
Dogs and cats sometimes need to satisfy their hunting nature, and games can also alleviate their boredom and avoid destructive behaviors such as digging, chewing, barking, excessive licking and self-mutilation.
/b 90 e 7 bec 54 e 736d 16 EFC 8 cc 090504 fc2d 462690 e? X-BCE-process = image/resize, m _ lfit, w _ 450, h _ 600, limit _ 1/quality, q _ 853, environment:
This includes providing interactive toys for your pets, playing music or videos, taking dogs to explore, playing Frisbee and agile games, providing cat scratch boards and cat climbing frames for cats, and any factors that can reduce the stress of pets and increase their satisfaction.
4. Training:
Pet training, action or obedience is not only interesting, but also provides a good psychological exercise for pets.
/6f 06 1d 950 a7b 0208994 F3 f 2969d 9 f2d 3562 cc 870? X-BCE-process = image/resize, m _ lfit, w _ 450, h _ 600, limit _ 1/quality, q _ 85 Third, emotional health.
Emotion is as important as physiology and psychology. In a loving environment, care for it, make it feel safe, and have strong feelings with the pet owner, and the pet will thrive.
The affection between pets and people may play a more important role than you think. Pets can affect the production of brain chemicals in patients with mental disorders, lower the blood pressure of those who are stressed, and accelerate the healing of diseases through the release of oxytocin.
/77 c 6 a 7 efce 1b9d 16b 3289 aa 9 f 8 deb 48 f 8d 54640 e? X-BCE-process = image/resize,m _ lfit,w _ 450,h _ 600,limit _ 1/quality,q _ 85。 And this effect is good for people and pets. Pets with stronger feelings for their owners will be more confident, more relaxed and less aggressive.
Love touching, kind and gentle voice, family tolerance and providing food and health care have the same influence on pets.
/4a 36 acaf 2 edda 3c 44 a 7b 8 e 80 AE 9390 1203 f 92 b 2? X-BCE-process = image/resize, m _ lfit, w _ 450, h _ 600, limit _ 1/quality, q _ 85 Like human health, the health of pets depends on various factors, which are equally important. If you want to make your pet healthier, you need to take care of its more needs.