What are the hazards of wind?

When the wind roars, mature crops will thresh, drop fruit, lodging and cut roots. Strong winds can blow away fertile topsoil and expose the roots of crops; It will also blow sand from other places and drown fertile fields. Not only that, it can blow people down, blow houses down and take everything away. Wind energy promotes the exchange of dry and cold air and warm and humid air. Wind is a kind of natural energy. A long time ago, humans learned to make windmills, and now people still use windmills to pump water and process food.

Sailing boats are also driven by the wind. Wind plays many roles in daily life, but it also often brings disasters to human beings. Storms, typhoons and hurricanes will flood farmland, collapse houses and cut off water and electricity supply. Tornadoes will make cars, people, houses and so on disappear without a trace.