Is inhaling fart harmful to your health?
A certain influence, because the gas discharged by the human body is the waste gas in the body, especially the digestive waste gas in the stomach, bacteria and odor are not liked by people. Exhaled gas is also harmful to health, because there are too many carbon dioxide components, and it is good to breathe more fresh air! When we breathe, eat and talk, some gas will enter the body through the nose or mouth; In addition, when the food we eat is fermented and decomposed by bacteria in the digestive tract, it will produce some gases, especially some indigestible foods. Then the gas carried in the blood, mainly carbon dioxide, will also spread into the intestinal cavity. Therefore, the total amount of gas passing through the digestive tract every day can sometimes reach 3000 ~ 4000 ml. It can be seen that a person's daily exhaust volume is really quite a lot. If a person doesn't exhaust for a day, his stomach will swell badly. The gas in the stomach mainly comes from swallowing food. Gas is similar in composition to air. The large intestine is mainly nitrogen and carbon dioxide, and a small amount of oxygen, hydrogen and methane are mixed with ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, indole and fecal odor. So the gas in the large intestine stinks. The gas in the large intestine is discharged from the anus, which is smelly fart. Most farts are produced by Escherichia coli and other bacteria in your intestine. These bacteria eat the fermented food in your body and fart together under the microscope; The air you swallow and the alkaline secretions in your stomach also have some influence on farting. On average, a fart is composed of about 59% nitrogen, 2 1% hydrogen, 9% carbon dioxide, 7% methane and 4% oxygen-all these gases are odorless. And less than 1% of them are composed of trace amounts of other chemicals, such as ammonia and dung odor, which will give off an unbearable pungent smell. As long as there is one such gas in 100 million parts of air, people can smell it. If the Pentagon can concentrate these chemicals into a gas compound, then we can even cause large-scale damage without nuclear weapons. Usually, the fart will always be mixed with hydrogen sulfide, most of which comes from mucus, which makes the fart smell like rotten eggs. (In fact, a doctor named michael levitt in Minneapolis Veterans Government Hospital once said that sulfur is really the worst component of fart. ) Well, it is said that dinosaurs died out because dinosaurs farted too much and destroyed the ozone. ...