Fifth unit
Why are all smiles?
Invitation, invitation and hospitality
Express gratitude to ... ...
Worry, worry, anxiety
Smile; Smiling expression
None; None; not at all
Disappointed disappointed
It tastes like ... Taste, taste (taste); Taste, taste
Unhappy, unhappy; Heartbroken; broken-hearted
Unpopular; unwelcome
Money is money; rich
Silly; foolish
Cruel and cruel; Cruel; unmerciful/ruthless
△ Landlord Landlord; Landlord or landlady
It seems as if it seems
Opera opera; Opera art
Beijing Opera = Beijing Opera
Movies, movies; film
△ touching and sentimental
Proud and proud; proud
Proud of pride; happy
Smells like ...; Smell; Smell; Smell; Smell; smell
Set the table for furniture.
Be able to do (something) and be able to do (something)
Upset and sad; Unhappy; disappointed
Surprise, surprise, surprise
△ Austria Austria
Cry, cry
Loneliness, loneliness; bent
Lively and active; nimble
Cheer up, cheer up, cheer up.
Crazy crazy; angry
First, let's start.
△ Titanic Titanic
America, America; United States of America
Fall into
△ Frighten, frighten, frighten
Finally, finally
Form; Form; find
Role role
Facial beauty; facial
Gesture posture; symbol
Cultural culture
Today, now
Make peace with sb. reconcile with someone
Grateful, grateful, grateful.
Topic 2 I feel much better now.
Strict strict strict.
Be strict with.
Shy shy
Program program; Project; procedure
Sending and mailing; Send away; dispatch
△e card e card
Relax, relax.
Failure failure; Failure; descend
Feel feelings; feel
Experience experience; experience
Earthquake earthquake
Suggestion, suggestion
Normal, normal
Soft, soft
Unfair, unjust
A few numbers
A strange outsider; stranger
Sleeping is sleeping; Sleep soundly/dead/heavy/heavy.
Fall asleep
Get used to (doing) sth.
Like ... like ... like ... like.
Accept, accept
Clap your hands, clap your hands.
Deal with it; Treat guests; Solve, deal with
Deal with, solve and deal with; deal with
Sadness is sadness, sadness
Elders' elders
Refused, unwilling
Anyone, anyone; anyone/anybody
Although, however,
Despite, despite
Understand; Understand; understand
No more no more
Suggestions and opinions; Suggestion, suggestion
Topic 3 Many things can change our feelings.
Calm is calm; deposit
Calms; Calm; calm
Bitterness has a bitter taste; Pain; unmerciful/ruthless
Boring, boring, boring
CD disc
Digital video disc (DVD); optical digital disk
Test, test, test, test
Speech speech
Monitor (monitor of the class)
Emotional influence
Get along with ...
Alumni classmates
△ mood mood
Put on a performance; screen
Boss boss, employer; foreman
Workers and colleagues; colleague
Passport passport
Especially special, especially
Hanging hanging, hanging; hang ...
Sky day, sky
Tear tears; teardrop
Thought; Thought; think
△ confident confidence; confident
Topic topic; subject
Noise noise; Noisy noise; sound
Mental mood, mood; spirit
Magazines, magazines
Decision-making; determination
Think it over.
Feeling, perception
Husband's husband
Unit 6
We are going for a spring outing.
Field, field; Ranch; space
Vehicles and means of transportation; vehicle
Discover, discover, understand
Task task, work
Airplane. Airplane.
Airlines; Air pipeline
Decide; make up one's mind
Grand total; Total, total; all
Sunrise sunrise (hours); Dawn; dawn
Raise; Mention; lift
Book (rooms, tickets, etc.). )
Sleeper (sleeper on a train)
Cinema cinema; film
Hotel hotel restaurant
Make an appointment
Refrigerator = refrigerator
Air conditioning system
Standard standard
Single person, single; maiden
Conditional conditions; State; (pl。 ) environment
Comfort makes people comfortable; comfortable
Personal. Personal.
Can afford (the cost of); Able to spare (time); provide
Ordinary, ordinary; * * * Yes.
Come up with (an idea); Find out (the answer)
Dollar (monetary unit in the United States, Canada, Australia, etc.). )
Lucky draw; Answer; Draw lots; Draw (symbols, cards)
Sell for sale
(British) headmasters of primary and secondary schools
Noon noon
Above (an object)
Forward forward; advance
Look forward to (doing) something. Expect to do sth.
Receive a letter from …
Once ... just ...
Temple temple
△ during the day; During the day; day
During the day.
Local local local
Topic 2 How about exploring the Ming Tombs?
Receive, receive, get
Postcards. Postcards
△ betting betting (middle); gamble ...
Sure, really.
△ Explore adventure; Explore, examine
Dialogue dialogue
Perfect, perfect, very good
Camping and camping; Camping; summer camp
Northwest, northwest; In the northwest
△ arch arch
Mark, mark
Start, start, starting point
△ sacred; divine
Officials and senior staff; Official, government
△ survey and investigation; View; Investigation; test
Camel camel
△ prestige prestige; Reputation; fame
East east; Eastern
North north; North; North; North; Facing north; From the north; To (in, from) the north.
Northeast (province)
East, east; East; The east. East; Facing east; From the east is in the east; To the east; From the east
Southeast southeast
Visiting, sightseeing and traveling; Championships
Space space
Crowds crowded and piled up; crowd
Push push
Direction direction; location
Step by step; Step on; Go; Step; Footsteps, footsteps, footsteps
△ tiptoe tiptoe
Pay attention to, notice; Notices and announcements; pay attention to
Sight field of vision; Landscape, landscape
Out of sight is clean; invisibility
Beat beat (sb); Knock on the door; Break (a record)
△ Slowly slowly
Huge is huge, huge
Next to it is next to it. close
Sad, sad, sad.
Can't help doing it.
△ satisfaction, satisfaction, satisfaction; glad
Be satisfied with.
Send e-mail by e-mail
△ backpack backpack
Longfengmen Longfengmen
A guard, a guard; Protective devices, alarms
Realize that implementation
Here and there are everywhere; everywhere
Thank god! Thank god!
Topic 3 Bicycles are very popular.
Passenger, passenger
Crazy Crazy
Anywhere, anywhere.
Pollution pollution
Impossible impossible; Can't exist.
Death is dead.
Sharp makes a sharp turn; Sharp, sharp
Slow down (cause) the speed, slow down
Opposite (opposite); As opposed to ...
Avoid, avoid, escape
Rush, run
△ hotline
Police, police; police
Helmet helmet
△ light color light color
Crossing the intersection; Street intersection
Warn warning; remind
Motorcycle motorcycle
Britain Britain
△ left hand, left hand; On the left, on the left.
A troublesome problem, trouble; Difficulties; Make anxious; To annoy; make trouble
Courage courage; Brave; courage
Lead; Lead the way; lead to
Smooth and flat; smooth
Success. Success.
Score; Achievement; Reach complete
Intermediate level; Middle; centre
Alley road; path
Challenge. Challenge.
△ Head-on; Without hesitation; Frontal collision; Frontal collision; Actively oppose
△ comeback; return
Tour de France
Until, until ...
Of course, there is no doubt; Definitely will. ...
△ superstar superstar
Finals; Finally. final
Results results, effects; achievement
It's broken
Asia Asia
△ altitude
International Cycling Federation
Time measures the time of and records the time of.
Stage stage; stage
Athletes. Athletes.
Central, central; primary
Success, success
△ championship game
Champion champion
Review Unit 5-6.
Heaven day, the sky
Include, contain.
Hitlerjunge Salomon
Switzerland Switzerland
Sweater sweatshirt; sweater
Anyone, anyone; anyone/anybody
Inner is inner. ...
Unit 7
We are preparing a food festival.
△ wrestling wrestling
△ Nigeria Nigeria
Posters (large posters posted in public places); Advertising (painting)
institutional framework
Do your best.
Imagination; imagine
(of water) vast and torrential
Cheese cheese
Pie sweet pie; Fruit pie; Meat pie; Vegetable pie
Cookies. Cookies.
Pancake. Pancake.
West, west
Cookies. Cookies.
Greek Greek, Greek; The Greeks
Indian Indians; Indian
△ curry curry food
△ Sushi
Italian Italian (human); Italian-speaking Italians; Italian
△ pizza pizza, Italian pizza
Africans, Africans
Russian, Russian; Russian; Russian. Russian
Pity pity
△ Nigeria Nigerians, Nigerians
Hold on, wait (don't hang up)
For; For the purpose of ...
△ Wrestlers Wrestlers
Replenishment; supply
Become a reality, become a fact
Topic 2: You must cook very carefully.
Cut, cut, cut, cut a wound (with a sharp tool, etc.).
In a subtle way.
Oil oil
Frying in oil; deep-fry
Gently, gently, gently
Add add add.
Deep, deep, deep.
Pot pot, pot, bottle, jar
Cookware kitchen series; kiln
Pork pork
Chop, chop
Ham. Ham
Onion Onion (head)
Noodles noodles
Immediately, immediately
Cheap and cheap
Snacks snacks
Butter butter
Pear pear
Pieces (pieces, pieces, pieces ...)
Pour out, pour out
△slurp's lips make a loud noise when eating or drinking.
Not polite, rude.
Polite, cultured
△ elbow elbow; Push your elbow with your elbow.
Spoon, spoon, spoon and spoon
Fork fork
Chopsticks. Chopsticks
△ formal formal
Mode (pl. ) courtesy; Ways and means; Attitude, attitude
Table manners, dining rules
△ napkin napkin
Eat, eat.
Drink to sb. /something. To ... ...
Someone; someone
△ Take a sip
△ Dessert Dessert
A course is a dish; course
South, south
Seafood seafood
Hot dog hot dog (sausage bread)
Topic 3 Welcome to our food festival!
Ma' am, ma' am
Gentleman. Gentleman, sir
Goods for sale
be for sale
Meet, meet, meet
Guest, guest
Menu menu
Beer. Beer
Wine wine; Fruit wine; wine
Soft drinks, soft drinks (non-alcoholic)
Bill's Bill; paper money
△ Tofu Tofu
Main course main course
△ staple food is main and basic
Salad salad (cold salad in western food)
Coca-Cola/ Coke
Value has the value of … and is also worth …
An effort, a difficult attempt
△ successful success
Neat, neat
△ scoop out, shovel out
Steak steak
Unhealthy, unhealthy
balanced diet
On a regular basis
Ordinary, ordinary
In a word, in short; in short
Not only ... but also ...
Free without restrictions (constraints), at will
Unit 8
What a nice coat!
△ costume; theatrical/stage costume
Cotton cotton; Cotton cotton
Silkworm silk
△ Fashion; Fashion; Popular style
Women's jacket; Wide blouse
Scarf scarf
Jeans. Jeans
A purse, a handbag
△ sportswear sportswear; sports garment/apparel
A hat (usually with edges); elegant
Socks. Socks
Clothing (commonly known as clothes)
Pocket (of clothes)
Windbreaker, windbreak (leather) jacket
Made of
Natural natural natural
Material material
Wool, made of wool
Leather made of leather.
△ style style; Style; Mode; Style, style
Rely on, rely on, count on; rely on
Rely on, believe in, rely on
Don't like it; abhor
Gloves gloves
Boots. Boots
Neri almost, almost
Northern; upper
Generally, usually; In general, widely
Suit (suit); suit
△ Important social activities occasions (ceremonies)
Equivalent to, equivalent to
Similarity is similarity, like
Get someone's attention; begin to show one’s brilliant talents
Silver, silver, silver.
Necklace necklace
Iron ironing; Iron; iron
Heating temperature; Heat; hot ...
△ dry cleaning dry cleaning
Social society
Uniform uniform
△ kimono (Japan) kimono, kimono dressing gown
Say proverbs; Motto; maxim
According to, according to
Topic 2 Different jobs need different uniforms.
Design, design and planning; Style, style, style
Allow, allow
Fit, fit
△ discipline discipline
Interview, interview interview; accord with
Ordinary; housewife
Plain clothes; Informal dress
carry out
Ties and ties; Rope; Knot a knot; Tie, tie, tie (with rope or thread)
△ Slippers Indoor casual shoes and slippers
△ Casual, casual, casual; informal
Correctly and properly; accurately
△ janitor janitor
Customers, customers.
△ server attendant
Ceiling ceiling
Soldiers, soldiers; (esp a soldier)
Hide, hide ...
Pilot. Pilot.
Airport air station
police officer
Police officer, police officer; police officer
Demand demand; ask
Slim, slim, slim
Advice, advice, advice
Topic 3: Let's go to the fashion show.
Model model; Wear indication
△ catwalk (for models in fashion shows) Long and narrow performance stage, runway
△ cheongsam cheongsam
Traditional tradition; traditional
Ethnic minorities; Ethnic minorities
△ The background is in the background; secretly
Signature signature
Tibetan Tibetans; Tibetan (language)
△ Mongolia Mongolians
△ Korean Koreans
△ dynasty dynasty
Asians, Asians
△ Knot (knot with rope, etc.). ) knot, decorative flower knot
Either ... or ... or ... or ...
Express expression; express
The wearer
Charming, charming
△ Western-style westernization
△ Features; Characteristics; trait
Widely popularized; vast
△A commodity (article); project
Select, select; select
Famous, famous
Traditionally; Habitually; Traditionally,
very difficult
except ...
Get married; marry
Celebration celebration; celebrate
Outside is outside. Go outside, outside, outside; Go outside.
Review Unit 7-8.
Manager manager
Explain, explain
△ KFC = KFC fried chicken KFC
Pack a bag, a bag, a box.