How to explain the spirit, soul and body in Christ?

The first interpretation of the soul and flesh (1) Theme Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 5: 23 May the God of peace personally sanctify you completely. May your spirit, soul and body be completely blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1. The way of "soul meat" is very important and essential for a successful belief life. In modern society, computers have become an important part of people's lives. However, among those who use computers, many people use computers without knowing their functions and principles. They usually master some computer programs needed to use computers. However, people who do computers have a professional understanding of the structure and principle of computers, so they can operate computers freely and easily troubleshoot. The content of "soul meat" that I began to explain today is the spiritual knowledge handed down to us by the God who created mankind. Through this explanation, we can understand the essence and formation of self in a delicate and in-depth way. Such knowledge is beyond the appreciation of human wisdom and ability. Only by creating God can we see through human nature and explain it clearly. So what benefits does the explanation of "soul meat" bring us? First, it enables us to analyze and discover ourselves in detail, so as to become holy quickly. It also makes us know why we should give up ourselves and what we should give up in order to complete the image of God. The second is to enable us to know ourselves correctly, not to fall into the trap of the devil, and then to have the ability to govern and manage the dark forces. Dear saints, as mentioned above, the way of "spiritual flesh" is an indispensable and important content in our successful belief life. Especially at this moment of riding on the torrent of spirit, God let me witness this "spirit and flesh" way, so that when 2004 comes, we can find ourselves and give up ourselves completely. The apostle Paul was an upright man before he met the Lord. Although he is blameless in the legal sense, he also has a passion and desire for God. But because there is no spirit to know the truth, it becomes the enemy of God. When such an apostle Paul met the Lord and discovered his true face, he frankly admitted: "I am the culprit"; "People born before childbirth." With such a heart of self-sacrifice and continuous efforts to break and renew himself every day, Paul can become a precious vessel in line with God's use-an apostle of outsiders. 2. "Spirit, soul and flesh" are the three main components of human beings, which can be roughly divided into three parts: spiritual flesh belonging to flesh, spiritual flesh belonging to soul and spiritual flesh. Starting today, we will witness the "first spiritual flesh" through several sermons. It's about the soul meat that belongs to meat. Here, we will learn the simple knowledge of "spiritual meat" and how the real "meat" we see is conceived, born and grown up. "Second Soul Meat" is about the soul meat belonging to the soul. Here, we will check the function of "soul" together, and where we come from and how to form ourselves. The Third Soul Meat is about "spiritual soul meat". Here we will examine spirit and flesh in the spirit and spiritual knowledge. "Spirit, soul and flesh" are the three main components of human beings. It is recorded in Genesis that God established man as "the spirit of all things". Therefore, as the "master of all things", there is a fundamental difference between human beings and animals. That is, only people have "spirit", while animals have only soul and body. People in the world don't have such spiritual knowledge, so they use people to explain the origin of people by the result of long-term biological evolution. However, section 26 of Genesis 1 of the Bible records: "God said: We will make man in our image and in our likeness, so that they will rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the livestock on the earth, and all the crawling insects on the whole earth." In Genesis 2: 7, it says, "The Lord God created man from the dust of the ground and breathed life into his nostrils, and he became a living soul named Adam." In other words, man was created in the image of God and became a living soul. Because there are essential differences between man and beast, there will be completely different results after the end of physical life. Animals' souls disappear after death, but because humans belong to spirits, they will go somewhere in heaven or hell after death (Ecclesiastes 3: 2 1). Who knows whether the soul of the Taoist priest went up to heaven or the soul of the beast went down to the ground? Therefore, as a person, we must understand the duty of being a man, fear the God who created man, and live according to his words before we can enter the kingdom of heaven. 1. Definition of "meat" (1) The content of "god's creation and seeds of life" in the content of "meat" will be explained in several parts. The first is about the seeds of life. On the sixth day, when God created the first man, he first took dust in his own image, made a shape, and then blew life into his nostrils, making him a "living soul". However, among those who believe in God, some people are skeptical. They thought, "how can you become a living person when you make people from the earth and breathe life?" People think so because God's word doesn't accord with their own knowledge and ideas. God is out of thin air. People can't have confidence because they are limited to the limited knowledge framework of "making the best use of everything". Today, biological science is highly developed. Scientists use genetic science to create artificial organs, and can also clone animals such as sheep or dogs. Even the created human beings are still like this, let alone creating the Lord God. How difficult is it to create people from the dust, blow them into life and create the living? Even if it is difficult to understand according to the human mind, it is omnipotent according to the power of God. In order to believe all the words recorded in creationism and the Bible, we must first break our limited ideas and unconditionally accept them as "Amen". In Genesis 1 section 28, God blessed the created men and women and said, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth." It can be seen that God wants not only Adam and Eve, but countless children, so he gives men and women the seeds of life, that is, sperm and eggs, so that they can reproduce. God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and rule the land.". You must also manage the fish in the sea, the birds in the air and all the creatures on the ground. "It's like the farming principle of repeated sowing and harvesting in the field. God gave Adam and Eve the seeds of life so that human farming could continue. In this way, because the seeds of life come from God, God can be said to be the father of our spirit and our body. Because in the end, the seeds of our parents' life are also given by God the Father. However, there is one thing we should not misunderstand about being pregnant in life: some people have heard that children are given by God, and think that congenital factors such as gender, physique and IQ of children are also doomed by God. In fact, although the seeds of life are given by God, God will not interfere with the combination of sperm and eggs one by one. In other words, no matter when a person is pregnant, God will not interfere with and decide gender, physique, IQ or gentleness and rudeness. It's like farmers producing wheat and chaff in the fields during the autumn harvest. In the process of life pregnancy, children's gender, physique, IQ and other factors depend on the quality of sperm and eggs. At the same time, the birth of deformed children is not doomed by God, but the result of human error or genetic defect. But sometimes God sometimes intervenes in the process of pregnancy under special circumstances. For example, when parents pray to God with pleasing confidence and sincerity, God will fulfill their wishes according to their beliefs. There are many such examples in this church. Some people can't have children because of habitual abortion, but after receiving prayers in our church, they began to serve God enthusiastically and faithfully, and a healthy baby was born. Others are willing to have a son, and the hospital diagnosed it as a girl after pregnancy. But after they came to pray, they miraculously gave birth to a son. Some people who are infertile due to physical defects are also blessed with confidence to get pregnant. So, who do God's children like better? God is not a paternalistic God. But when we look up the Bible, we seem to think that artifacts value men over women. In Genesis 25, when Jacob and Esau were still in their mother's womb, God loved Jacob more than Esau and chose him. But that doesn't mean that God favors others. But God who foresees the future loves Jacob more than Esau. At the same time, the Bible gives people the impression that God loves men more, because God loves men's integrity and never changes his heart. Women like Deborah and Esther in the Old Testament are deeply loved and recognized by God because they have a strong and unchanging heart and courage as men. As Proverbs 8: 17 says, "I love him who loves me; I will find those who earnestly seek me. " According to what kind of thoughts and intentions a person has fulfilled before God, he loves God, fears God and is loved by God to different degrees. I hope that through this explanation of "soul meat", we can realize the fact that we originally came from God and become blessed saints who love and fear God more! Bless everyone in the name of the Lord!