Texas A&M University. Analysis of Master Degree in Public Health in M University

Texas a & amp; M University Master of Public Health is provided by the top public health school. This college ranks in the top 25 in American News and World Report all the year round. The following is an introduction to this major.

1. Professional introduction

In Texas a & amp; M University, the mission of the Master of Public Health Program is to train public health decision makers, leaders and practitioners through education, practice, research and service, so as to improve the level of public health, especially in rural areas and areas lacking medical care and medicines.

The goal of this major is to be in a leading position in training public health policy makers, leaders and practitioners. The core function of public health is to evaluate, promote policy formulation and ensure quality. These talents can play a leading role for their institutions, communities, states and countries on the basis of public health ethics, honesty, service and practice.

Texas a & amp; M University's master's degree in public health was certified by the American Committee on Public Health Education (CEPH). This proves that this major has reached the requirements in assisting students to enter the public health industry. This major constantly pursues Excellence in order to reach a higher level above the certification standard.

2. Courses

The master of public health majors study public health, system and organization management, policy guidance, etc. , and includes practice. The compulsory courses of this major include:

Compulsory courses-introduction to health policy and management, epidemiological basis, social and behavioral determinants of health, principles of environment and occupational health, biostatistics, strategic planning and marketing, financial management of medical insurance, health policy and politics, health law and ethics, and ultimate experience of public health. In addition, you need to complete 9 credits of elective courses and 1 practical courses.

optional course

Elective courses account for nine credits. Generally speaking, elective courses are based on professional interests and goals. Some elective courses are not available every semester, so plan ahead. Under the premise of meeting the requirements of the course, you can study other majors of the School of Public Health and Texas A&; Elective courses of other specialized courses in M University.

Elective courses include: strategic planning and marketing (II), human resource management, medical quality evaluation and utilization management, operation management, medical insurance financial management (II), health information management system, global health, public health emergency and policy issues, health policy core issues, health insurance and nursing management.

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