To recommend medical devices suitable for daily health management.

Medical devices used in daily life can be roughly classified into the following categories.

1. Band-Aids (Band-Aids), masks, disposable gloves, cotton swabs, etc. It is easy to buy in pharmacies and generally belongs to the first class of medical devices.

The properties of their medical devices can be easily seen from the use, such as band-AIDS: first aid and temporary dressing of superficial wounds such as minor wounds, abrasions and cuts. Another example is medical cotton swab: it is mainly used to clean skin and wounds.

2. There are many products related to ophthalmology.

The first is contact lenses, which belong to the category of ophthalmic corrective and protective devices in medical devices, and the second category is contact lenses.

Contact lenses and related care products (such as nursing liquid and lubricant) belong to the third category of medical devices. . . It is the highest level of medical equipment that comes into contact with in daily life.

There are also some medical devices that people pay little attention to. For example, our common vision cards are used for vision testing or screening for amblyopia and blindness. Belongs to the first class of medical devices.

It usually consists of an eye chart (card) and a lighting device. The lighting device is direct lighting or backlight lighting (eye chart lamp).

Liquid crystal visual acuity chart is a special visual acuity chart. In the classification catalogue of medical devices, the liquid crystal visual acuity chart, which is mainly used for vision measurement, is the second kind of medical devices.

The second category is also an optometrist.

3. Some medical equipment for rehabilitation. Often seen in daily life.

Crutches belong to the first class of medical devices. Include armpit crutches, medical crutches, elbow crutches, walkers, frame walkers, wheeled walkers, desktop walkers, wheeled walkers, frame walkers, mobile walkers, standing stands, paraplegic walking stands, standing balance training stands, etc.

Hearing AIDS belong to the second category of medical devices. An electronic device used to amplify sound and compensate for hearing loss.

Wheelchairs belong to the second category of medical devices. It is used to compensate the traffic and walking functions of patients with mobility disorders.

4. Some beauty tools,

For example, the tools for piercing ears are listed under the product category of "Surgical Instruments _ Puncture Guide" in the Catalogue of Medical Devices Classification. Generally, it belongs to the first category of medical devices.

Of course, the most important thing is this. ...


Yes, it's medical equipment. It's the second kind of medical equipment. Belonging to a barrier contraceptive device under a contraceptive device.