Salt or better sodium chloride may also be the food source of sodium, which is an important nutrient that the human body needs in a small amount.
Salt can also be used as a texture enhancer. It changes the structure of protein and the interaction between protein and other ingredients (such as water and fat), thus affecting the texture of food. For example, if you use the right amount of salt, cheese will have more body, meat may be more juicy, and fish and bread may be harder.
According to Akkerman et al., it has been found that low-salt cheese has lower strength and higher compressibility. In addition, so is Qiang Jian. Mozzarella cheese was studied, and it was confirmed that the salt content had an effect on the melting of salt-free immature cheese.
Salt is also essential as a binder and emulsifier. The new protein structure helps to gather materials together and prevent the loss of water and fat. This is very important when processing meat.
NaCl plays a key role in cheese processing, that is, it controls coagulants, milk protease and microbial enzymes.
The gelling ability of food protein is the basic functional feature of food production. The food industry uses various protein to make gels or gel-containing products with different rheological properties, appearance and gel-containing characteristics. Gelation is a simple method to process various foods, such as beef and other meat products, bread and baked goods, dairy products and fish products. Salt, sugar and fat used in most food recipes will change the characteristics of gel, thus changing the rheology and texture of food.
In addition to providing a basic "salty taste", salt also brings out a natural taste and makes food acceptable. Salt has many benefits for cooking. Even in desserts, the greatest chefs in the world admit its amazing application.
Salt is a preservative. It preserves food by creating an unfavorable environment for some microorganisms. In food, salt water dehydrates bacterial cells, changes osmotic pressure, and inhibits bacterial growth and subsequent deterioration.
It can also strengthen gluten in bread dough and provide uniform particles, texture and dough strength. Because of the existence of salt, gluten can hold more water and carbon dioxide, thus making the dough swell without tearing. Salt can improve the hardness of cheese shell and help to produce ideal uniformity.