Tuition at the University of Queensland

Undergraduate tuition

(1) College of Literature

schools of literature

Undergraduate tuition: 22,550 Australian dollars/year.

(2) School of Social and Economic Sciences; behavior science

School of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Undergraduate tuition: 22,650 Australian dollars/year

(3) School of Business, Economics and Law

Business and law school

Undergraduate tuition: 30,800 Australian dollars/year

(4) School of Science

college of science

Undergraduate tuition: 29,250 Australian dollars/year

(5) College of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Agriculture; veterinary medicine

College of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences

Undergraduate tuition: 3 1900 Australian dollars/year.

(6) School of Engineering, Architecture and Engineering. information technology

School of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology

Undergraduate tuition: 30,400 Australian dollars/year

(7) School of Health Sciences

School of Health Sciences

Undergraduate tuition: 26,950 Australian dollars/year

Tuition fees for master's programs at the University of Queensland

(1) College of Literature

schools of literature

Master's course tuition: 22,450 Australian dollars/year.

(2) School of Social and Economic Sciences; behavior science

School of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Master's course tuition: 20,800 Australian dollars/year.

(3) School of Business, Economics and Law

Business and law school

Master's course tuition: 30,800 Australian dollars/year.

(4) School of Science

college of science

Master's course tuition: 30,800 Australian dollars/year.

(5) College of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Agriculture; veterinary medicine

College of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences

Master's course tuition: 3 1500 Australian dollars/year.

(6) School of Engineering, Architecture and Engineering. information technology

School of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology

Master's course tuition: 30,800 Australian dollars/year.

(7) School of Health Sciences

School of Health Sciences

Master's course tuition: 30,700 Australian dollars/year.

20 1 1 master course tuition: 23,000 Australian dollars/year starting date.

The first semester starts at the end of February and the beginning of March every year; The second semester starts in late July every year.