Are people with big breasts really more likely to get breast cancer than those with small breasts?

Gland is the main functional structure of breast, and breast cancer mainly occurs on gland. But for most girls, no matter whether your breasts are big or small, the number of glands in your breasts is similar, and the size of your breasts is determined by fat. The more fat in the chest, the bigger the breast, but the adipose tissue will not secrete milk, nor will it become cancerous, and it will not affect the brain tissue and cause such a situation as "big chest without brain".

What does the incidence of breast cancer have to do with it?

This raises the question of the cause of cancer. The cause of cancer is a huge subject, and there are too many influencing factors. At this stage, mankind is far from finding a comprehensive and clear reason, and can only know a little about some influencing factors.

For example, in 2006, a project led by Aaron S. Kusano of Harvard School of Public Health studied the relationship between cup size and the incidence of premenopausal breast cancer, and the conclusions were as follows:

We need to pay more attention to the body mass index than cups, that is, obesity is indeed related to breast cancer.

So in the face of breast cancer, friendship lost to the chest, and the chest lost to the whole body.

So breast size is not a high risk factor for breast cancer. The real high-risk factors that need attention include menarche (less than 12 years old) or late menopause (later than 55 years old), childlessness, late childbearing (the first child is after 35 years old) or postpartum non-breastfeeding, and the incidence of breast cancer is high; People with atypical hyperplasia of mammary ducts and lobules also have an increased risk of breast cancer. Atypical lobular hyperplasia is not what we usually call breast hyperplasia; Women with a family history of breast cancer (first-degree immediate family members suffering from breast cancer) are 2-3 times more likely to develop breast cancer than the general population; Women who receive high levels of ionizing radiation, especially those whose chests are exposed to too much radiation due to other diseases, have an increased risk of breast cancer; In addition, high-fat diet and long-term bad mood will greatly increase the risk of breast cancer.