Height and health
Height is closely related to health. Research shows that height is positively related to life span, and the higher the height, the longer the life span. In addition, height is also related to health, and people with higher height have lower risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Shorter people are more likely to suffer from diseases such as osteoporosis and arthritis.
How to increase height
Although height is determined by genetic factors, some living habits and eating habits will also affect the growth of height. Here are some ways to increase your height:
1. Keep exercising.
Proper exercise can promote the growth and development of bones and increase height. Common heightening exercises include skipping rope, basketball, swimming and so on. Daily exercise can effectively promote the growth of height.
Reasonable diet
A balanced diet is essential to the growth of height. Diet should contain enough nutrients, such as protein, vitamins and minerals. At the same time, we should eat less high-fat and high-sugar foods so as not to affect our health.
Keep a good posture
Keeping a good posture can effectively stretch your body and increase your height. Hold your chest and abdomen, keep upright, and avoid bad postures such as hunching.
The adverse effects of height
Although height has many advantages, it also has some disadvantages. The following are some negative effects of height:
1. Inconvenient clothes
Tall people will have some difficulties in choosing clothes. Some common problems include: clothes are not long enough, sleeves are too short, and trouser legs are too short.
2. Easy to attract attention
Tall people are easy to attract others' attention, which may bring them some inconvenience. For example, it is easy to be found in the crowd, and it is easy to meet the first class on the means of transportation.
3. Increase the psychological burden
Tall people may encounter some difficulties in social situations, such as being laughed at by others and being considered different by others. These problems may bring them psychological burden.