The following is the original text:
Wei Gongzi is unscrupulous. Wang Shaozi and Wei are half-brothers. Tai Wei, An Li, acceded to the throne and named his son Xin. At that time, he died in Wei, so he surrounded the girders, broke Wei Huayang's army, and left Mao Mao. Wang Wei and his son suffered greatly. Childe is kind and a corporal, and all the scholars are modest and polite, and dare not be proud of their wealth. Scholars fight for thousands of miles to return here, causing three thousand diners. At that time, the princes were virtuous and invited more guests. For more than ten years, they dared not add troops to seek Wei.
Gongzi and Wei spread a bonfire in the north, saying, "Zhao Kou has arrived and entered the boundary." Wang Wei released Bo and wanted to call the minister for advice. The son stopped the king and said, "Zhao Wang hunted ears, not kou." Resume the blog as before. The king is afraid, and his heart is not in Bo. When I lived in the Qing Dynasty, there was a rumor in the north that "Zhao Wang didn't hunt bandits." Wang Wei was frightened and said, "How do you know?" The son said, "I know there are guests who can please Wang Zhao, and Wang Zhao has done something." Wang Wei was afraid of the talent of his son, so he didn't dare to let him take charge of state affairs. Hou Ying, a 70-year-old hermit of Wei State, came from a poor family. He is the supervisor of Daliang Yimen. Hearing this, the son asked for it and wanted to stay. He refused to accept, saying, "I have been leading an honest and clean life for decades, and I will not be trapped by the prison door and accept money from my son." His son is a guest at the wine purchasing conference. Sit quietly, childe since the car ride, empty forget, since meet Yimen Hou Sheng. Hou Sheng photographed our clothes and uploaded them directly to the childe's seat. He refused to let us see the son. The more respectful you are when you hold the bridle. Hou Sheng called the son again and said, "I have a guest in the city, and I would like to ride for nothing." When his son took the car into the market, Hou Sheng met his guest Zhu Hai and gave him a gift, so he stayed with him for a long time and observed his son. The more harmonious the color of childe is. By now, the imperial clan of Wei was full of guests, waiting for his son to bring wine. Everyone in the city looked at his son's persistence. From the ride, I secretly scolded Hou Sheng. Hou sheng looked at the color of the child unchanged, thanked the guest and got on the bus. At home, the son led Hou Sheng to sit there and praise the guests, who were all surprised. After drinking wine, Zi Sheng, this is for Hou Hou's life.
Hou Sheng said, "It is enough to win with children today. The winner is also the one who is easy to learn and follow the customs. My son has been riding a car. Since he won in public, it is not appropriate to go too far. Now, my son has passed. However, I want to fight for my son's name, so I took my son's car for a long time. Passers-by were looking at my son, and the more he looked, the more respectful he became. Everyone regards victory as a villain, and the son as an elder can be a corporal. " So he stopped drinking and became a guest. Hou Sheng said to his son, "I have visited Zhu Hai, the butcher. The sage of this son is not known to the world, so I hide my ears." Childe to please, Zhu Hai so, no thanks, childe is strange.
Twenty years after Wei Anli, Qin Zhao Haoqi broke Zhao Changping's army and invaded Handan. Childe's sister is Zhao Huiwen's younger brother, Mrs. Ping Yuanjun, who left Wang Wei and Childe's book. Please save her from Wei. Wang Wei asked the general to take hundreds of people to save Zhao. The emissary of the king of Qin told Wang Wei, "I attacked Zhao Dan at dusk, but the governors dared to save him, and they had already wooed Zhao, so they had to attack him first." Wang Wei's fear made people stop, left the army to block his powers, called for Zhao's rescue, and held both ends to wait and see. The crown of the messenger belongs to Wei, and let the son of Wei say, "The winner is married, and the son's righteousness can solve the people's difficulties. Today, Handan will return to Qin at dusk, and Wei can't save it. It's in the hands of childe! What's more, the son has defeated him and abandoned him to surrender to the state of Qin, but he has no pity for the evil deeds of his son and sister? " Childe, please call Wang Weihe the guest debater Wang Wanduan. Wang Wei is afraid of Qin, but he won't listen to childe. Childe spent a person's time and could not get it from the king. He didn't intend to be an only child, which led to Zhao's death. Instead, I invited guests and took more than 100 cars. He wants to be a guest and die with Zhao. When I walked through Yimen and saw Hou Sheng, I wanted to die like Qin Yun. After making up my mind, Hou Sheng said, "Your son can't bear to part, and the old minister can't follow." After writing a few lines, my son was unhappy and said, "I am ready for Hou Sheng, and everyone knows it. Now that I'm dead, Hou Sheng hasn't given me anything. What have I got to lose? " Ask Hou sheng if the car has not been returned. Hou Sheng smiled and said, "I'm sure my son will pay it back." He said, "Your son likes reading people and is famous all over the world. Today, I was in trouble. I wanted to take him to Qin Jun. For example, if I gracefully throw my meat at a tiger, what is the merit? Sean Smith? But when the son meets the minister, the son goes and the minister doesn't send him, knowing that the son hates it and returns. " Goodbye, son, because of this problem. Hou Sheng of Human Language said: "I heard that the military symbols of Jin and Bi are always in the king's bedroom, but if Ji is the luckiest, she can steal them as long as she goes in and out of the king's bedroom. I got the news that my father was killed, such as my father's three years. I tried to avenge my father on the king, but I couldn't get it. If Ji weeps for his son, the son will make the guest cut his revenge and respect him like Ji. Minutes for her son's death, she had nothing to say and no way to listen. Please be like Ji as soon as you open your mouth. If Ji says yes, you can win the army and save Zhao in the north and Qin in the west. This is also the defeat of the five tyrants. " Childe, please follow his plan. For example, Ji Guo stole the resplendent military symbols and childe. When the son left, Hou Sheng said, "I will go, but the Lord will not accept it, so that the country can. Childe is a good match. Jinbi invited him again without giving him a soldier, which would be dangerous. Zhu Hai, a courtier and butcher, can keep pace with all the others. He is a great man. Jinbi listened, showing great kindness and compassion; If you don't listen, you can make it hit. " So the son cried. Hou Sheng said, "Are you afraid of death? Why are you crying? " The son said, "Jinbi spits out the old general, and if he is afraid of not listening, kill him." Why are you afraid of death? " So the son invited Zhu Hai. Zhu Hai said with a smile, "I am a butcher in the street, and my son saved me personally, so I don't thank him, thinking that small gifts are useless. Your son is in a hurry, and this is the autumn when I wait on him. " So I walked with childe. The son thanked Hou Sheng. Hou Sheng said, "I should obey, but I can't. Please calculate the day when your son travels, or even the day when you are promoted, Beixiang will marry you. " The son did it.
When it came to Jianye, he made Wei Dynasty. Jinbi agrees with this symbol, but doubts it. He raised his hand and looked at his son and said, "Today I have 100,000 people stationed all over the country. What if I ride a bike instead of the country? " Want to hear it. Zhu Hai's sleeve was a 40-pound iron spine, which killed Jinbi, and then his son sent Jinbi to the army. Le Bing ordered the army to say, "The father and son are in the army, and the father returns; Brothers in the army, brothers return; The only son has no brothers and is raised. " Had to choose eighty thousand soldiers, invasion of Qin Jun. He was released, so he saved Handan and Zhao. The prince of Zhao and Ping Yuanjun welcomed the son to the world, and Ping Yuanjun led the son first. Zhao Wang bowed again and said, "Since ancient times, there have been no sages and grandchildren." At this time, Ping Yuanjun dare not compare himself with others. Childe and Hou Sheng decided to join the army and go to the north to assassinate Hou themselves.
Wang Wei's angry son stole his military emblem and killed Jinbi, and the son knew about it. Qin Cun Zhao has been removed, so that the soldiers will be returned to Wei, and the son will leave Zhao and the guests alone. Zhao Wang's son seized the soldiers from the Jin army and saved Zhao. Is a plan with Ping Yuanjun, with five cities. Hearing this, the son gloated and had the color of self-achievement. A guest said, "what you can't forget, or you can't forget." The wife is virtuous to her son, and the son will never forget it; Childe is kind to people, I hope he forgets. Wei also ordered to catch Jin's cheap soldiers to save Zhao. The son is arrogant and meritorious, stealing it for the son. " So the son blamed himself, as if he had no ability. In addition to the self-welcome, the prince of Zhao also held a host ceremony and led his son to the west stage. Childe Fang Xing, from the East Order. It is Wei who blames himself, not Zhao. The prince of Zhao served wine until dusk, and could not bear to offer five cities, so he gave way to his son. Childe has left Zhao. Yan was the son of Tang, and Wei also took Xinlingjun as his son. Childe stays in Zhao. Childe heard that Chu Shi Mao Gongzheng was hiding in Bo Tu, while Gong Xuezheng was hiding in a place selling pulp. The son wanted to see two people, but they refused to see him. After hearing this, the son took a step to swim with them and was very happy. Hearing this, Ping Yuanjun said to his wife, "At first, I heard that his wife's brother was traveling westward, but now I hear that he traveled from a scholar selling pulp, and his son ignored others." Ma 'am, tell your son. Zi Xie said, "When I first heard of the sage, I lost Wang Wei to save Zhao, so I called it. Ping Yuanjun's trip, the only way is to ears, rather than asking for learning. Mowgli often heard about these two sages when he was in Liang's hometown. When he came to Zhao, he was afraid of not seeing them. I'm afraid I won't want to travel without mowgli. Now Ping Yuanjun is ashamed of this and it is not enough to travel. " Pretend to leave. Madame speaks English, Ping Yuanjun. Ping Yuanjun is bald and keeps his son. When Ping Yuanjun heard this, he went to Ping Yuanjun to defect to his son, and all the scholars in the world defected to his son, who dumped his guests in Ping Yuanjun. Childe stayed in Zhao for ten years and never came back. Qin Wen's son was in Zhao, and he sent troops to attack the Eastern Wei Dynasty day and night. Wang Wei suffered greatly and sent him to please his son. The son was afraid that he would be angry, but he ordered: "Whoever dares to make peace for Wang Wei will die." The guests are all Zhao carrying Wei, so I dare not persuade my son to go back. Tai Gong came to see Zi, saying, "Zi is more important than Zhao, and Wei is the only one who takes the minister as his name. Today, when Qin attacked Wei, Wei was in a hurry, but his son did not feel pity, which made Qin break the beam and destroy the former king's shrine. How does a son stand on the world? " The son changed color before he died, and asked the car to drive back to save Wei. When Wang Wei saw his son, he cried. general print gave him a son on it, and he gave it to him. In the thirty years of Wei Anli, the prince made envoys to princes. When the princes heard about the generals, they sent troops to save Wei. Julia child led soldiers from five countries to attack Qin Jun across the river and take Meng Ao directly. So I led it to Hangu Pass, and I wanted to delay it, but I was afraid to go out later. At that time, the son made the world famous, and the princes and guests entered the art of war, so it was commonly known as Wei Gongzi's art of war. The king of Qin suffered greatly, but he paid 10,000 Jin to Wei, begging for a humble guest, and sent Pojun's son to see Wang Wei, saying, "Your son has been dead for ten years, and now he is a general of Wei, and all the princes are returned. The vassal heard of Wei's son, but never heard of Wang Wei. At this time, the son still wants to be king in the south, and the princes are afraid of his son's power and want to establish it. " The Qin Dynasty turned against each other, and the pseudo-prince was appointed as Wang Wei. When Wang Wei heard of his demise, he couldn't believe it, and the consequences made people change their sons. Childe knows that if he destroys waste again, he will be sorry for his illness, and he will drink with his guests all night, which will make him closer to women. Drinking day and night at the age of four, but dying. At that time, Wei also passed away. The death of Qin Wen's son led to the attack on Wei, the extraction of twenty cities and the initial establishment. Later, the Qin Dynasty invaded Wei slightly. At the age of eighteen, Wang Wei was captured alive and Liang was slaughtered.
When Gaozu was a little boy, he heard a lot about Gongzixian. And that's the position of the son of heaven. Every time you cross the girder, it's always the temple. In the 12th year of Emperor Gaozu's reign, he returned from attacking Qing Bu and guarded five tombs for his sons. When he was four years old, he served the son of the temple.
Taishi Gong said: I visited the Daliang market and asked about the so-called Yimen. Yimen, the east gate of the city. There are also people who like scholars in the world, but I believe that people who go in and out of caves in Ling Jun are shameless and useful in making friends. A famous minister is an ear. Every time Gaozu passed by, someone offered a shrine.
The following is the translation:
Wei Gongzi's name is Wuji, the youngest son of Wei, and the half-brother of King Anli. After Zhao Haoqi's death, King Anli ascended the throne and named his son Xinlingjun. At that time, he fled from Wei to Qin as a resentful fighter who almost killed Xin.
So he sent them to besiege the girders and beat back the troops of Wei in Huayang, so that Wei Mang fled in great defeat. Both Wang Wei and childe are very anxious about this matter.
Childe is a kind, generous and polite corporal. No matter whether a scholar is talented or not, he always associates with him humbly and courteously, and never dares to despise a scholar because he is rich. Therefore, thousands of scholars in Fiona Fang rushed to join him, attracting 3,000 diners. At that time, due to the virtuous children and numerous guests, the vassal States dared not use their troops to invade Wei for more than ten years.
Once, Gongzi and Wang Wei were playing chess, and they didn't want an alarm from the northern border, saying, "Zhao sent troops to invade and will enter the customs." Wang Wei immediately put down his chess pieces and called his ministers to discuss countermeasures. The son dissuaded Wang Wei and said, "It's just that Zhao Wang hunted, not invaded the DPRK." Then he continued to play chess with Wang Wei as if nothing had happened. But Wang Wei was scared and didn't have the heart to play chess. After a while, news came from the north, saying, "It's just Wang Zhao hunting, and there is no invasion." Wang Wei was greatly surprised and asked, "How do you know?" The son replied, "One of my diners can find the secret of Wang Zhao. If Wang Zhao does something, he will report it to me immediately, so I know it. " From then on, Wang Wei was afraid of his talent and dared not appoint him to handle state affairs.
Hou Ying, a hermit of Wei, is seventy years old and comes from a poor family. He is the gatekeeper of the East Gate of Daliangcheng. When my son heard about this man, he sent someone to visit him and wanted to give him a generous gift. However, Hou Ying refused to accept it and said, "I have cultivated my self-cultivation and adhered to my integrity for decades. After all, I can't accept my son's gift because I am poor. " The son then gave a banquet to entertain the guests. After everyone came to sit down, the son took the horses and chariots and his entourage, left the seat above the car and personally went to the east gate to meet Mr. Hou. Mr. Hou tidied up his shabby coat and hat, went straight to the car and sat in the distinguished seat vacated by his son. He has no modesty at all, and wants to observe his son's attitude. But the son holds the reins more respectfully. Mr. Hou said to his son, "I have a friend in the slaughterhouse in the market." I hope you can give me a ride to visit him. " The son immediately drove to the market, and Mr. Hou got off to see his friend Zhu Hai. He squinted at his son and stood there for a long time, chatting with friends and secretly observing his son. Childe's face is more pleasant. At this time, the generals, prime ministers, imperial clan ministers and distinguished guests of Wei were seated, waiting for the childe to raise a glass and hold a banquet. Everyone in the market saw his son driving for Mr. Hou with a reins in his hand. Childe's entourage secretly scolded Mr. Hou. Mr. Hou saw his son's face unchanged before saying goodbye to his friends. When I got home, my son led Mr. Hou to the top of the table and introduced Mr. Hou to all the guests, which was highly praised. All the guests were surprised. When everyone was in high spirits, the son stood up and went to Mr. Hou to raise a glass to wish him health. Mr. Hou took the opportunity to say to his son, "Hou Ying, it is enough for me to do my best for my son today. I was just a man holding the door at the east gate, but my son wronged me and greeted me in public. I shouldn't visit my friends again. My son condescended to accompany me to see him today. However, I also want to achieve the reputation of the son, deliberately let the son's chariots and horses stop at the market for a long time, and observe the son by visiting friends. As a result, the son is even more inconspicuous. People in the market think that I am a villain, but they think that my son is a noble person who can be polite to corporal. " After the banquet broke up, Mr. Hou became a guest of honor.
Mr. Hou said to his son, "Zhu Hai, the butcher I visited, was a smart man, but people didn't know him, so he disappeared among the butchers." Childe has visited Zhu Hai many times, and Zhu Hai deliberately refused to pay a return visit to show his gratitude. Childe thinks this man is very strange.
In the twentieth year of Wei Anli (257 BC), King Zhao of Qin defeated the Zhao army in Changping, and then invaded and besieged Handan. Childe's sister is the wife of Zhao Huiwen's younger brother Ping Yuanjun. She has written to Wang Weihe's son many times and asked Wei for help. Wang Wei sent general Jin Bi to lead hundreds of thousands of troops to save Zhao. When Qin heard about this, he sent a message to Wang Wei, saying, "It's only a matter of time before I take Zhao. Whoever dares to save Zhao will send troops to attack him first. " Wang Wei was very afraid, so he sent people to stop the advance and left the army to camp in Yecheng. In name, he was trying to save Zhao, but in fact he adopted a two-faced strategy and waited and saw the development. The envoy's car kept coming to Wei, and he was frequently in a hurry, blaming Wei Gongzi for saying, "I, Zhao Sheng, volunteered to rely on the marriage between Wei and Wei, because this childe is noble in character and can help others out of danger enthusiastically. Now Handan is in danger and will surrender to Qin sooner or later, but Wei's reinforcements have not come yet. How do you help others out of danger? Besides, even if you don't take Zhao Sheng seriously, dislike me and let me surrender to Qin, won't you pity your sister? " Worried about this, the son repeatedly asked Wang Wei to send troops quickly, and asked the guest debater to try his best to persuade Wang Wei. Because Wang Wei was afraid of Qin, he never listened to the advice of his son. Childe estimates that he can't get Wang Wei's consent to send troops after all, so he is determined not to die and let Zhao perish. So he invited guests, collected more than 100 chariots, and planned to take them to Xinlingjun.
Fight to the death with Qin Jun and Zhao Guoren on the battlefield.
Childe followed the motorcade through the East Gate to see Mr. Hou, and told Mr. Hou all his plans to fight for his life with Qin Jun, then bid farewell to Mr. Hou and prepared to go on his way. Before leaving, Mr. Hou said, "Work hard, son, I can't accompany you." My son walked a few miles and was unhappy. He said to himself, "I am considerate enough to Mr. Hou, and everyone knows it." Now I'm dying, but Mr. Hou didn't say a word to see me off. Am I mistreating him? " So I hurried back to ask Mr. Hou. As soon as Mr. Hou saw his son, he smiled and said, "I knew my son would come back." He went on to say, "My son is famous for his hospitality and love for the world. Now that we are in danger, it is like throwing meat at a hungry tiger to want to go to Qin's army. What's the use? If so, are we here as guests? My son treated me well, but I didn't see him off when he left. I know my son is angry and I will come back. " The son bowed to Mr. Hou twice in a row and then asked for countermeasures. Mr. Hou told the others to leave and had a secret conversation with his son. He said: "I heard that the golden military symbols are often kept in Wang Wei's bedroom. Among his wives and concubines, Ruji is the most popular. She casually goes in and out of Wang Wei's bedroom, and as long as she tries her best, she can steal the military standard. I also heard that Ruji's father was killed. Ruji's desire for revenge has been saved for three years. Since Wang Wei, all officials have tried to avenge Ruji, but they have failed to do so. To this end, Ruji once cried to his son, and his son sent a public servant to behead his enemy and respectfully dedicate it to Ruji. Minute died for childe, she was diligent, but she didn't have the opportunity to act. If the son really asks Ruji for help, if she will definitely agree, then he can get the tiger symbol, seize the relieving of Jin, save Zhao in the north and resist Qin in the west. This is the achievement of the Spring and Autumn Five Overlords. " Childe listened to Hou Ying's plan and asked Ruji for help. For example, Ji did steal the despicable military emblem and give it to childe.
The son got the military standard and was ready to go. Mr. Hou said: "The general has the right to dispose of it organically when he is fighting outside, and some orders of the monarch can be rejected for the benefit of the country. Even if the two happen to coincide with each other over there, the verification is true, but Jinbi still doesn't give the childe the relieving but asks Wang Wei, and that will be dangerous. My friend Zhu Hai, the butcher, can go with you. This man is a Hercules. It would be great if Jinbi listened; If he doesn't listen, you can let Zhu Hai kill him. " Hearing these words, my son cried. Seeing this, Mr. Hou asked, "Are you afraid of death? Why are you crying? " Confucius said, "Jinbi is a veteran of Wei, brave and good at fighting. I was afraid that I would go to him and he would not obey orders, so he cried sadly. Where is the fear of death? " So the son went to find Zhu Hai. Zhu Hai said with a smile, "I'm just a butcher who kills things in the market, but my son has come to see me many times. The reason why I don't pay you a return visit is because I think the small gift part is useless. " Now that my son has an accident, I should kill myself for my son. "My son and I hit the road together. My son went to say goodbye to Mr. Hou. Mr. Hou said, "I should have gone with you, but I am too old to go." "Please allow me to calculate the date of your trip. On the day you arrived at the Jinbi Military Department, when I died, my neck was closed to the north to show my loyalty to your son. " So the son went on his way.
When he arrived in Yecheng, his son took out the military code and wrongly conveyed Wang Wei's order to replace Jin Bi as the general. Jinbi combined with military symbols, which was proved to be correct, but he still doubted it. He raised his hand, stared at his son and said, "Now I command a hundred thousand troops and station at the border. This is an important task related to the fate of the country. You are the only one to replace me today. What is this? " I was about to refuse to take orders. At this time, Zhu Hai took out 40 Jin of iron vertebrae hidden in his sleeve, and one vertebra killed Jinbi, so his son commanded Jinbi's army. Then he reorganized his military capacity and ordered the army: "If both father and son are in the army, the father will go home; If the two brothers are in the army, the eldest brother will go home; The only son who has no brothers goes home to support the elderly. " After rectification and selection, 80,000 elite soldiers were obtained. Open colophon front line attack Qin Jun, escorting, handan saved, zhao saved. The prince of Zhao and Ping Yuanjun came to the suburbs to meet the childe. Ping Yuanjun leads the way for the son who walks in front with a bag full of arrows. Wang Zhao thanked him twice in a row and said, "Since ancient times, no sage can catch up with childe." At this time, Ping Yuanjun dare not compare himself with others. After his son said goodbye to Mr. Hou, the day he arrived at Yecheng Military Camp, Mr. Hou really died facing north.
Wang Wei's angry son stole his military law and falsely spread your orders to kill Jinbi, and this son knows it well. So he repelled and rescued Zhao, and ordered his troops to return to Wei, and the son stayed in Zhao with all the guests. King Xiao Zhao thanked the son for seizing the resplendent military power under your command, thus safeguarding the just behavior of Zhao State. Negotiate with Ping Yuanjun to raise five cities for the son. After hearing the news, my son became arrogant and looked smug. One of the doormen advised his son, "Some things can't be forgotten, and some things can't be forgotten. Others are kind to childe, childe can't forget; Childe is very kind to others, I hope you can forget. In addition, under the pretext of Wang Wei's orders, he seized the relieving power and saved Zhao, which was Zhao's credit, but not a loyal minister to Wei. Therefore, the son thinks that he is meritorious and thinks that he is great. I privately think that my son really shouldn't. " After hearing this, my son immediately blamed himself, as if he were ashamed. Zhao held a grand welcoming banquet. King Zhao cleaned the steps of the palace, personally greeted the distinguished guests at the door, and performed the host's etiquette to lead his son into the west steps of the palace. Childe sideways, again and again refused to humility, take the initiative from the east order. At the party, my son said he was guilty. I am sorry for Wei, and I have no credit for Zhao. Zhao Wang accompanied his son to drink until the evening, and he was always embarrassed to talk about the dedication of the five cities, because his son had always been humble and blamed himself. Childe finally stayed in Zhao. Zhao Wang dedicated the city of Iraq (luxury and consumption) to the son, and at this time Wang Wei also returned the city of Xinling to the son. Childe still stays in Zhao.
Childe heard that Zhao has two talents who are not in politics. One is Mao Gong hiding in a gambler, and the other is Gong Xue hiding in a hotel. Childe wanted to meet these two men, but they hid and refused to see Childe. When the son knew their hiding address, he quietly went to associate with these two people. Both of them took pleasure in getting to know each other and were very happy. When Ping Yuanjun knew this situation, he said to his wife, "At first, I heard that his wife's younger brother, Wei Gongzi, was a great saint unparalleled in the world. Now I hear he's fooling around with gamblers and hotel guys. The son is just an ignorant person. " Ping Yuanjun's wife told her son these words. After hearing this, the son said goodbye to his wife and was ready to leave here, saying, "I heard about the virtue before, so I saved Wang Wei from Zhao, which met the requirements." I know now that Ping Yuanjun's association with people is just a bold move to show off his wealth. He is not looking for talented people. I often heard that these two people are very talented when I was in Daliang. When I arrived in Zhao, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to meet them. Treat me like a person and associate with them. I'm afraid they won't want me. Now Ping Yuanjun actually regards it as a shame to associate with them, and Ping Yuanjun is not worth making friends. " So I packed my bags and prepared to leave. The lady told all the words to Ping Yuanjun, the son. Ping Yuanjun felt ashamed when she heard this, so she took off her hat and apologized to him, and resolutely kept him. When the guests in Ping Yuanjun heard the news, half of them left Ping Yuanjun to join the son, and all the scholars in the world joined the son and joined his door. Childe's behavior made Ping Yuanjun's guests admire him, and they all came to the door of Childe.
Childe stayed in Zhao for ten years and never returned to Wei. When Qin heard that the son lived in Zhao, he sent troops to attack Wei day and night. Wang Wei was in a hurry and sent an emissary to ask the son to return to China. Worried that Wang Wei would be angry with himself, the son warned the guests: "Whoever dares to inform Wang Wei's envoy will be executed." All the guests turned their backs on Wei and voted for Zhao, and no one dared to persuade Zi to return to Wei. At this time, Mao Gong and Gong Xue went to see their son and said, "My son is highly respected in Zhao, and he became a vassal because of the existence of Wei. Now the state of Qin is attacking the state of Wei, and the state of Wei is in danger, leaving his son alone. If Qin breaks through the girder and razes the ancestral temple of your ancestors to the ground, what face does that son have to live in the world? " Words haven't say that finish, childe's face changed immediately, charged the coachman to drive back to save wei.
When Wang Wei saw the son, both of them couldn't help crying. Wang Wei gave general print to the son, and the son officially took up the post of commander-in-chief of the army.
In the thirtieth year of Wei Anli (247 BC), his son sent envoys to inform the vassal states and appointed him as a general. When the princes learned that their son had become a general in the world, they all sent troops to save Wei. Childe led the troops of five vassal states to defeat Qin Jun in the south of the Yellow River, which made Meng Ao, the general of Qin State, escape. Then they chased them to Hangu Pass and locked Qin Jun in Hangu Pass, so they wouldn't dare to pass again. At that time, the prestige of the son shook the world, and guests from various vassal States presented the art of war. The son put them together and signed his name, so it was called Wei's Art of War.
The King of Qin was worried that Childe would further threaten the State of Qin, so he bribed the State of Wei with 10,000 Jin of gold, found the original public servants, and told them to slander Wang Wei, saying, "Childe has been in exile for ten years, and now he is the general of the State of Wei, and the generals of the vassal States are under his command. The vassals only knew that Wei had a son, but they didn't know that there was a Wang Wei. Childe also wants to take this opportunity to decide to become king. The princes are afraid of the power of the son and are planning to volunteer and make him king. " The state of Qin has repeatedly been treacherous, using Wei spies in the state of Qin, pretending not to know, asking them to congratulate the son and ask if they have already done Wang Wei. Every day, Wang Wei heard these slanderers from the son, but he couldn't help but believe them. Later, he sent someone to replace the son as a general. The son himself knows that this is another time he was deposed for slander, so he excused himself from going to court on the pretext of illness. He eats and drinks with his guests at home all night, drinks hard liquor and often goes out with women. In this way, he spent four years having fun day and night, and finally died of drinking too much. This year, King Wei Anli also passed away.
When the King of Qin got the news that his son had died, he sent Meng Ao to attack Wei, occupied 20 cities and began to establish the East County. From then on, Qin gradually invaded the territory of Wei like mulberry leaves. Eighteen years later, it captured Wei Wangjia, slaughtered soldiers and civilians and destroyed the capital.
When Emperor Gaozu was in a humble position, he heard many times that Wei Gongzi was virtuous and talented. When he ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, he often went to sacrifice to his son every time he passed the girder. In the 12th year of Emperor Gaozu (BC 195), he came back from the front, where he defeated the rebel general Qing Bu. When crossing the girder, he arranged for five families to keep the tomb for his son and let them sacrifice to his son every year according to the four seasons.
Tai Shigong said: I visited the so-called Yimen when I passed the ruins of the girder. It turns out that Yimen is the east gate of Dalian Liangcheng. There are indeed hospitable people among many sons in the world, but only the new ones can make friends with those who are hidden in every corner of society. He is not ashamed of making friends with the lower class untouchables, which makes sense. It is true that his reputation far exceeds that of princes. Therefore, every time Gaozu crossed the girder, he ordered the people to sacrifice to him.
If you have any questions about my answer, please keep asking:)
Hope to adopt ~