0 1, premature ovarian failure can be examined by B-ultrasound, but the premature ovarian failure just happened can not be seen.
If premature ovarian failure will affect endocrine, it will make a person aging ahead of schedule. If the symptoms of premature ovarian failure have appeared for a long time, it can be seen by B-ultrasound. However, if premature ovarian failure has just occurred, it is difficult to see this situation through B-ultrasound examination. Ovary is related to women's endocrine, to women's health and to women's famous sayings. Therefore, we must protect our ovaries every day.
02. Early premature ovarian failure can be checked by blood test. If you suspect premature ovarian failure, you can check your hormones by blood test. I have been to the hospital for six times, and the analysis of this result is very reliable. It is more reliable to judge whether the ovary is premature aging through this examination, combined with B-ultrasound examination. If the FSH value is too high, there is reason to suspect premature ovarian failure. The doctor will make some corresponding treatment plans, follow the doctor's advice and cooperate with the treatment seriously.
03. The importance of protecting the ovary is an important organ of women, because the ovary is in charge of endocrine, women love beauty, and women are also afraid of aging. If women don't want to suffer from premature ovarian failure, they should adjust their diet and schedule. If the ovaries are well maintained, it will not only make women very healthy, but also delay aging and increase women's happiness. Most young and high-value women pay great attention to maintaining their ovaries. They won't stay up late, eat too much junk food, and stay angry for a long time.
Women pay attention to quality life, because they realize the importance of maintaining ovaries, because ovaries are related to happiness, health and longevity. Many women have started chasing triplets, but some people can't catch up, just because of ovarian problems, so caring for ovaries is the foundation of women's care.