According to legend, in a village in Shenze during the Song Ren period, there were only two people in the family. The mother was old and sick, unable to work, and her life was very difficult. Her son, Wang Kuang, is 30 years old, unmarried and lives by selling grass.
One day, Wang Zao went to the north of the village to pull weeds, pulling and pulling, and found a spotted snake more than seven inches long in the grass, covered in injuries and unable to move. Wang Qian moved with compassion, carefully took it home, washed it and painted it. After a while, the snake woke up and nodded to thank Wang Zao. Mother and son were very happy and soon made up a story for it. Snakes have grown up, and they always seem to want to talk to them. They are very cute. The monotonous and lonely life of mother and son adds a bit of fun. As the days passed, Wang mowed the grass early, his mother kept the house, and the little snake was in the basket all day. Suddenly one day, the little snake got bored in the house and climbed into the yard to bask in the sun, becoming thick and long, like a beam. The old lady was shocked when she saw this situation. The king jumped back, and the snake returned to the house and returned to its original shape. She said anxiously, "I lost my mind today and scared my mother to death, but don't be afraid. You have to take three small skins from me and do it again." Wang Qian said, "No, that will damage your health. Think of another way! " The spotted snake urged, "Never mind, hurry up, I can catch it." . "Wang Qian had to do it with tears in her eyes. Mom woke up soon after eating the soup. Both mother and son were grateful and puzzled, but neither said anything. Wang jumped back to the scene of putting golden light in the snake basket every night, thinking that this snake was extraordinary.
It is said that Song Renzong doesn't care about state affairs all day, and life in the palace goes on day after day. There is nothing new. He is very boring. If he wants to play the night pearl, he will put up a notice. Whoever can provide one will be rewarded. The story reached the ears of Wang Kuang. When he came home, he told the snake. The snake pondered for a while and said, "You have been very kind to me these years. You saved my life. You always wanted to repay me, but you never got a chance. Now I can finally do something for you. " To tell the truth, my eyes are two night pearls. You can dig out one of my eyes and give it to the emperor, so that you can be promoted to a higher position and make a fortune, and your mother can live in peace in her old age. Wang was very happy after hearing this, but after all, he had feelings for snakes and couldn't bear to do it. He said, "It's cruel to do that, and you will be in unbearable pain." The snake said, "Never mind, I can resist." So the king dug out the snake eye and went to Beijing the next day to present the orb to the people's emperor. Man Wu has never seen such a strange orb and is full of praise. At night, the sphere emits strange light, which illuminates the whole courtyard. The emperor was very happy. He made the king a high official and gave him a lot of gold and silver.
When the emperor saw the sphere, he admired it and took it for himself. Empress Nishinomiya saw it and wanted one too. As a last resort, Song Renzong ordered to look for the orb again, and said that he would give the position of prime minister to the second person who proposed the treasure. Wang Jiyi, I got the second eye of the snake and offered it. Isn't that mine, Prime Minister? So he went to the emperor and said he could find another one. The emperor happily gave the Prime Minister to him. Unexpectedly, when Wang Kuang's guards went to get the second eye, the snake refused to give it anyway, saying that he wanted to see Wang Kuang, so Wang Kuang had to come to see the snake himself. When the snake saw the king, he bluntly advised him, "I have given one eye to repay you. You have risen to the palace and made a fortune, so don't want my second eye." People should not be greedy. "Wang Luan has long been fascinated by this official, but he still listened and said shamelessly," Don't I want to be a prime minister? "If you don't give it to me, how can I be one? Besides, I have already told the emperor about this matter, and the official gave it to me. Don't give me a bad ending, just help me! " He insisted on taking a second eye. When the snake saw that it had become so greedy and cruel, it got angry a long time ago and said, "OK! You take the knife! However, you have to put me in the yard to get it. " Wang Zao couldn't wait to analyze the snake's words. He agreed, so he put the snake in the sunny yard and turned back to the house to get the knife. When he came out to dig out the treasure, the snake body had become a girder, panting at him with his mouth open, and Wang Zao was scared out of his wits. It was too late to run, and the snake swallowed the greedy man in one bite.
This proverb, which has been handed down for thousands of years, comes from Shan Hai Jing: "Bashu eats elephants, and bones are born at the age of three." Chu Quyuan and Tian Wen in the Warring States Period: "A snake swallowed an elephant, so what's the ambiguity?" Mainly tell us: First, you must remember that others are good to you and don't ask for anything in return. Second, there is nothing wrong with pursuing your higher goals and not being satisfied, but it must not be based on hurting others. Only through our own efforts and struggles will it be meaningful.
How can we live a happy and healthy life? I think we should be content and grateful in time. This is a happy and healthy life.