In addition, modern medicine has confirmed that the "culprit" of aging is free radicals-atoms or molecules with asymmetric electrons that are constantly produced in the process of human metabolism. Free radicals invade human cells to produce aging factor MDA, and MDA further invades cells to produce lipofuscin, which is deposited in human cells, causing cell damage. Lipoprotein is the product of cell oxidation, which is not only the senile plaque on the skin, but also leaves traces on the invisible organs, causing harm. For example, if it appears on brain cells, it will cause a decline in intelligence and memory; Aggregation on the blood vessel wall will lead to vascular fibrosis, which will lead to problems such as height, heart, blood and tube. The body's immunity drops; Lead to memory loss, confusion and poor sleep quality; Make skin rough, dull and dull, lens cells,; White hair or even hair loss; Fat accumulation; Atherosclerosis, etc. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health; Affect the health of the liver, so that the liver can not work normally; The decrease of estrogen and androgen.
With the gradual decline of physical fitness, it will gradually show symptoms such as physical exhaustion, listlessness and reduced social adaptability! Aging is also the root of many diseases! Since ancient times, many people believe that appearance, aging and many diseases come from heredity, which is an inevitable fate. But Dr. Berman, vice president of global research and development of nutritional supplements, brought an exciting new discovery: by changing the expression of genes, human beings have the opportunity to change the aging process. Genes don't change. Now, the breakthrough discovery ENlivEN 2 1 (decoded 2 1) reveals a ray of light for the anti-aging project.
Dr. Riemann said that with the discovery of ENlivEN 2 1 (Decoding 2 1) technology, (Decoding 2 1) technology can directly attack the root cause of human aging, that is, the gene-youth gene group (YGCS); ; (Decoding 2 1) technology can identify and reset genes related to aging and restore a healthy and balanced state. Dr. Riemann believes that a solid scientific research background can create excellent products. "When we master advanced genetic technology, we will no longer be helpless in the face of aging. Applying this technology to nutrition and skin care will not only bring healthy, young and energetic life to human beings.
Everyone will experience aging, which is a natural law. However, as a woman who loves beauty, how can we allow time to leave traces on our faces so easily? Pay attention to maintenance in daily life. American scientists have found that people begin to age at the age of 26, and the irreversible process begins at the age of 39. Only by timely and effective treatment of damaged cells, aging cells and zombie cells can cells be activated and restored, so that organs, tissues and physiological functions can be completely restored to normal, and the human body can be truly meaningful.