What are hazards and hazard identification, and what are the three elements of hazards?

1. Hazard source refers to the root cause or state factor that may lead to personal injury or disease, material and property loss, work environment damage or a combination of these situations.

2. The national standard of occupational health and safety management system, Requirements and Use Guide of Occupational Health and Safety Management System, was officially released, with the standard number of GB/T 4500 1-2020, the original GB/T28001-201standard and GB/T28002.

3. Hazard identification: Hazard identification is a process of identifying hazards and determining their characteristics.

4. Hazard identification includes not only the identification of hazards, but also the judgment of their nature.

5. Hazard identification methods: There are dozens of hazard identification methods developed at home and abroad, such as safety checklist, pre-hazard analysis, hazard and operability research, fault type and impact analysis, event tree analysis, fault tree analysis, LEC method, storage ratio comparison method, etc.

6. Hazard source identification step: divide operation activities and identify hazard sources.