DonutsCEO: What does the Metauniverse mean to digital identity?

Facebook recently announced its name change to Meta, which not only pays tribute to science fiction, but also reflects the need to provide users with a new user experience that combines digital and real identity, social media and games, augmented reality and cryptocurrency.

Although the metauniverse is still in its initial stage, it raises many questions about online digital identity and authenticity. Among them, the most urgent thing is: how do individuals and enterprises reflect their true identity? What does digital identity mean in the next Internet iteration? Is the boundary between physics and numbers blurred?

Recently, CEO of Donuts, the global leader of the next generation of top-level domain names and digital identities, published an article in Forbes, explaining his views on the above issues.

Explore digital identity

In the real world, personal identity has many characteristics, such as where you live, which school you graduated from, your appearance, and your way of communication.

Similarly, network identity reflects your virtual address or domain name, as well as your various behaviors on the network. For individual users, network identity constitutes real network personal data by collecting various information including search history and consumption records.

Digital Identity in Metauniverse

The new meaning of digital identity in the metauniverse needs a decentralized open platform based on blockchain technology, which relies on digital identities associated with real-world identities.

In this virtual world, users can control personal identity information and interaction with other users, and even selectively disclose their own information according to their own wishes.

In addition, digital identities in the metauniverse can represent individuals and institutions or organizations. A user can have different digital identities, such as work identity or personal identity, but they are all based on the user's real identity.

This requires an interoperable digital identity or some kind of digital passport that individuals and organizations can use to prove their true identity in the meta-universe.

With the continuous development of the metauniverse, domain names will play an important role. Because domain names can clearly show who you are, where you come from and what you do.

Develop in the digital world

The next generation Internet has been launched, and it is very important to embody personal brand or business through different roles and logos.

In this developing digital identity ecosystem, how to make your brand stand out from the competition through its unique online image becomes particularly important. One of the most effective methods is to use descriptive domain names. In addition to traditional domain names such as com or net, you can also choose from hundreds of descriptive domain names, such as. Coffee. Pizza. Technology. Games and so on. These descriptive domain names not only enhance the authenticity of online identity, but also help protect online identity through homophone domain name shielding technology.

For enterprises, digital identity reflects the online behavior of brands and even undertakes some interactions. People's first impression of corporate digital identity comes from domain names. In just a few seconds, a domain name can convey some key information: who you are and what your value is. Use descriptive domain names so that companies can use keywords on the left and right sides of the dot to show your company name, industry and relevance. Some descriptive domain names even have security features. By providing enterprises with real online identities and built-in security technologies, they can resist various threats. Traditional domain names hardly have the above advantages.

To build a real digital identity, whether an individual or an organization, we must first know who we are, and more importantly, what kind of person we want to be. Using descriptive domain names, you can create powerful digital identities in the emerging metaworld in the following ways:

Create a trait that makes your personal or professional brand different and fully reflect it on your website or social media platform.

Create your descriptive domain name according to the needs of the audience, so that the audience can find you more easily.

To create high-quality content, the premise is that it is highly consistent with the content that the audience cares about and does not damage your brand.

You should choose the content you publish or the topic you participate in, so as to show your singleness and professionalism.

Always ask yourself, what is your goal? Did it come true? What are your plans for the future?

Start with a simple descriptive domain name, such as or, and determine who you are and where you are on the Internet. You can use it to show your brand, highlight your values, link partners, stimulate the audience's interest and so on in a few seconds. A unique and true digital identity will make you stand out from the expanding competitors.