Ask for a leopard print teaching sticker for guarding the palace and feeding.

If you are new to lizards, you need to know them. If you need to travel frequently and can't take care of your pets every day, if you want to keep some colorful and docile guys, then leopard-print guarding the palace is an excellent choice. They are easy to raise, and you only need to invest a small amount of time and money: Leopard print is a nocturnal lizard, so you don't need expensive UV lighting equipment. The maximum length will not exceed 30 cm (except for the super giant leopard print), and a box or breeding box of 35X20X 10 cm is more than enough. You don't need a high temperature, you just need to heat and feed wheat worms or Dubya in winter.

Eublepharis macularius is a nocturnal cave lizard, which is native to the desert areas of India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. In the wild, the body color of adult leopard palace guards is usually light yellow or light brown with black spots, which looks like leopard print; There are many colors of artificially propagated leopard-print palace guards, and there may be differences in skin background color, stripe color and shape, spot color between different individuals, so the appearance of leopard-print palace guards becomes varied, and the price difference between different individuals is also great.

Leopard palace guard is a special member of the gecko family. They have movable eyelids to prevent sand from entering the eyes; They don't have suction cups (also called "toe pads") on their soles, so they can't climb walls or glass like ordinary geckos. The tail of the leopard guard falls off easily, so don't scratch their tail with your hands; Although it can be regenerated after cutting off the tail, the regenerated part is usually monotonous in color and not as good as the original one. Another function of the tail is to store excess energy, which can be supplied to the body when food is scarce, so the tail of the leopard-print palace guard will be very fat.

Wild leopard palace guards usually live in rocks or caves during the day to avoid the heat of the desert, and start activities at night, preying on insects, spiders and some small rodents.


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