We usually have some obvious body surface feelings when we receive some physical therapy, such as warmth, vibration, traction or acupuncture, but we have no obvious body surface feelings when we receive negative ion therapy. The so-called body surface feeling is the phenomenon expressed by the physical characteristics of physical factors (such as sound, light, electricity, magnetism, machinery, etc.). ) for treatment. For example, infrared rays will have a warm feeling, and machinery will have a feeling of vibration and pulling, but no matter which physical factor is used for treatment, the feeling is not directly related to the curative effect. Although negative ion therapy has no obvious body surface feeling, its curative effect is very positive and clear.
(2) The curative effect is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change.
As an energy factor, the negative ion field acts on the human body and causes the body's reaction. The curative effect is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change, and it is a process of time and energy accumulation, so its curative effect is directly proportional to the length of time.
(3) There are individual differences in curative effect.
The prevention and treatment of diseases by negative ion therapy will be affected by the following factors: the state of the body, psychological and spiritual factors and the functional state of the central nervous system; The severity, nature, acute or chronic stage of the disease; Physical strength, sex, age, reaction sensitivity and medication are different in human body, which is the routine performance of negative ion therapy.
(d) The timeliness of curative effect and dazzling response.
Researchers believe that it is best to use it before going to bed at night, and the effect can reach several times. Because the sympathetic nerve of the autonomic nervous system works during the day and the parasympathetic nerve works at night. In addition, he believes that the improvement of the effect has a lot to do with time and age. Generally speaking, different curative effects will be presented according to the following rules:
Under 20 years old-within 2 months
Under 30 years old-within 3 months
Under 40-within 4 months
Under 50 years old-within 5 months
Under 60-within 6 months
Under 70 years old-within 7 months
Under 80 years old-within 8 months
The longer it takes, the better the effect.
Generally speaking, it takes at least 1 month to treat cerebral infarction, coronary heart disease and myocardial ischemia. For patients with autonomic nervous disorder, obvious effects can be seen within 1 ~ 2 weeks.
Curative effect observation:
Most patients suitable for negative ion therapy, with the progress of treatment time, symptoms and signs continue to improve, generally about 5 times effective. But there are also a few patients with recurrent symptoms, such as patients with hypertension. After a few days of treatment, you will feel dizzy and unwell, and your blood pressure will rise instead of falling. This is because in the process of negative ion therapy, with the improvement of human body system and the enhancement of metabolism, the discharge of toxins will be temporarily enhanced, and some symptoms will be aggravated, but don't worry, this is a temporary phenomenon of restoring health. Therefore, we should persist in continuing treatment, gradually return to normal, and do not stop treatment. However, after 1-2 courses of treatment, the symptoms have not improved or even worsened, so this therapy is not suitable for the treatment of such patients and should be stopped.