1, blood test, including eight items such as blood routine, infection and immunity, hepatitis C, hepatitis B, syphilis and AIDS.
2. Immunological examination, including Anka, ANEA and ESR.
3, lung function examination, because motor neuron disease will accumulate respiratory muscles, so it is necessary to evaluate the respiratory muscles accumulated by patients and conduct respiratory examination.
4, magnetic resonance examination, used to rule out the central nervous system lesions, in addition to cervical magnetic resonance to rule out cervical spondylosis, because cervical spondylosis is easily confused with motor neuron disease.
5. Electrophysiological examination such as electromyography can judge whether the injury is neurogenic or myogenic. In addition, the nerve conduction velocity is helpful to judge the disease and the affected part, because the patient may not show muscle weakness in clinic, and electrophysiological abnormalities have been found, so electromyography is very important for the diagnosis of motor neuron diseases.