What causes children to snore?

What causes children to snore?

What causes children to snore? Parents with babies at home should have heard that their children snore, which also leads many mothers to always think about whether the baby is sick, uncomfortable and so on. So what causes children to snore?

What causes children to snore? 1 1, baby's oronasopharyngeal junction and epiglottis dysfunction.

Children snore when they sleep. If breathing is not loud and breathing is normal and even, the problem is not serious. But if snoring is too loud, it will not only affect the normal work and rest of adults, but also affect the baby's own physical development and brain development function. Generally speaking, babies are at the junction of mouth and nose in infancy, and epiglottic function is underdeveloped. With the increase of age, the baby's epiglottic function will gradually develop completely. When children are young, the swallowing function is not complete, and oral secretions will purr when they flow into the trachea and throat. With the increase of age, the baby's swallowing function and epiglottic function will gradually improve, and naturally it will not purr.

2, caused by the child's hyperplasia and hypertrophy.

Adenoids, also known as adenoids, are large lymphoid tissues located in the posterior wall of nasopharyngeal cavity behind nasal cavity. Adenoids develop rapidly in early childhood, and then gradually shrink with age. Hypertrophic hypertrophy is a unique disease in early childhood, which will lead to the blockage of nasal secretions in children, and the air entering and leaving the nasal cavity will be forced to exhale from the mouth. When the child sleeps, the muscles of the whole body relax, the pharyngeal cavity becomes narrow and unobstructed, and gas impacts the root of the tongue from time to time.

3, caused by the baby's improper sleeping position

When children are fully relaxed during sleep, their sleeping postures are also various. When they sleep for a long time, their faces and nostrils are facing up. Once in sleep, children are likely to snore because their tongues fall off or saliva flows into the trachea. When sleeping, the chest and abdomen are compressed, and the mouth and nose are easily covered by pillows or quilts, which also makes the respiratory tract unobstructed, thus forming snoring.

What is the reason why children snore? 2 What should I do if my child snores?

1, lose weight in time

Some children are normal and healthy, but obviously overweight can also cause snoring. After losing weight, snoring symptoms will gradually disappear.

2, timely removal of adenoids.

Some children snore because of adenoid hypertrophy. After suffering from adenoidal hypertrophy, there are often mouth breathing and snoring, accompanied by other symptoms such as inattention. Adenoidectomy can fundamentally solve the problem of snoring.