2. Taoism pays attention to the theory of harmony between yin and yang. Men belong to yang and women belong to yin. On the contrary, Guanyin belongs to Yin and Maitreya belongs to Yang. Therefore, "men wear Guanyin and women wear Buddha" can make the wearer achieve the effect of yin and yang coordination. In this way, the yin and yang parts of the wearer's body can change each other and maintain balance. It is neither excessive nor decadent, which makes people healthy and energetic.
On the contrary, if the yin and yang are excessive, it will lead to illness, premature aging and even death. Therefore, in Taoist theory, it is a rule to protect the health of men and women to wear Guanyin and Buddha. Of course, it is not just superstition that men wear Guanyin and women wear Buddha. Another source of this law is the difference in education between men and women in feudal society.
4. The homonym of male wearing Guanyin is "male wearing official seal", which accords with the traditional concept of sealing official seal and worshiping official seal and promoting to a higher position and making a fortune in ancient China. Therefore, wearing Guanyin also has a blessing for men's career. In addition, in feudal society, men put career first, and if their mood fluctuates, it will have a great impact on their work and environment. Therefore, when educating men, we must educate them to be calm in order to achieve great things. Guanyin represents a series of characteristics such as compassion and stability, so it should be worn by men.
5. Similarly, what ancient people demanded of women was a loving, generous, harmonious and complete mother image. Maitreya is originally Sanskrit, meaning "cishi". So some people say that this Buddha is always merciful. Giving women this meaning also represents the hope that women will be as open-minded, laugh often, be kind to make money, and be tolerant of family chores, which is the so-called "home and everything."
6. Steady people will not be impatient and will not make mistakes easily. Always be compassionate. You can treat others according to yourself. Open-minded people can best maintain family harmony and happiness. "Men wear Guanyin and women wear Buddha" is not only a blessing to men and women, but also a way to teach them to be human.