Work pressure is too great, what do men eat?

Remember to make up your meal when you feel stressed.

Tea: Green tea is rich in vitamin C, which is an indispensable nutrient for preventing colds and resisting oxidation.

In addition, green tea can prevent aging, and has diuretic and stress relieving effects.

Carrot: It is rich in potassium, which has the function of lowering blood pressure, and rich dietary fiber can also play the role of whole intestine. In addition, carrots rich in carotene can also enhance human resistance, inhibit cell deterioration and prevent cancer. Deep-sea fish: stress reduces the age of men suffering from hyperlipidemia and stroke. Fatty acids in deep-sea fish can prevent blood coagulation, reduce vasoconstriction and triglyceride, which is especially beneficial to the heart and blood vessels.

Soybeans: Soybeans contain phytohormones, and men who often eat soy products are less likely to develop prostate cancer.

In addition, soybean is also effective in improving male bone loss. Tomatoes: Rich vitamin C can combine the relationship between cells, make collagen and strengthen blood vessels.

Foods rich in vitamin C: After the age of 24, the quality and quantity of male sperm are declining, and vitamin C can rejuvenate aging sperm. Vegetables and fruits with high vitamin C content include kiwi fruit, orange, broccoli and asparagus.

Oyster: Seafood can enhance sexual ability. Male semen contains a lot of zinc. When zinc is insufficient in the body, it will affect the quantity and quality of sperm. A small oyster is almost equal to the daily demand of zinc (15 mg).

In addition, oysters are rich in glycogen and taurine, which can improve liver function, nourish and strengthen the body.

Garlic: Garlic has strong bactericidal power, so it can kill bacteria that invade the body. Eating more for men can improve physical fitness and keep fit. The phytochemicals contained in garlic are good for the heart. In order to give full play to its efficacy, it is best to chop or mash garlic and eat it without heating it for a long time.