What exercise should palpitation do?

The heart function of patients with palpitation is not healthy, so the method of exercise is particularly important.

The first exercise that can be carried out is walking on the flat ground, and the intensity can be adjusted according to the walking speed, which is suitable for most patients with myocardial diseases. Patients with palpitation can adjust their exercise intensity while walking. In addition to walking on a flat bottom, you can climb stairs and uphill, but when the amount of exercise is large, you will consume a lot of calories, so you must pay attention to the amount of exercise.

Second, jogging consumes more calories and intensity than walking on the ground, which is beneficial to improve heart function, prevent lung tissue failure and prevent muscle atrophy. But it is not suitable for the elderly with serious illness and poor joints.

Thirdly, swimming is of great significance to improve the cardiovascular system. The stimulation of cold water can promote the blood circulation of the whole body, which is beneficial to the heart and blood circulation, and can also enhance the vitality of the lungs.