My turtle shit normally four or five days ago, but it has stopped recently. What happened today?

Defecation, of course.

Check the cloaca: The cloaca is located at the bottom of the tail and should be clean without swelling or lumps. If there is a watery stool stain on the cloaca, it means that the turtle has symptoms of parasitic disease or (and) enteritis. If this happens, it is necessary to check the excrement of turtles in the feeding environment.

Usually watery feces are typical symptoms of parasitic diseases and gastroenteritis. If the tortoise has a lot of white excrement, it may have kidney disease. It must be noted that new turtles may have watery excrement at first, but after a period of nursing, diarrhea will gradually improve. If the tortoise is healthy in any way, but it just keeps diarrhea, it must check its excrement and deworming work. The feces of healthy turtles should be soft, solid and rich in fiber.