What are the disadvantages of iodine deficiency in human body?


Once iodine intake is insufficient, thyroid hormone synthesis decreases, and a series of obstacles will appear in the body. We call the obstacles caused by iodine deficiency iodine deficiency. It is not a single disease, but a series of diseases and obstacles, which are extremely harmful to human health. Mainly includes: ① Endemic goiter: In iodine deficiency areas, it can occur regardless of sex and age. Iodine deficiency in human body leads to insufficient synthesis of thyroid hormone, decreased secretion, increased secretion of pituitary thyrotropin, and stimulation of thyroid enhancement. Over time, thyroid cells showed active proliferation and hypertrophy, which led to goiter. (2) Dementia: It is caused by mother's serious iodine deficiency, which affects the brain development of fetus and lactating baby. The clinical manifestations of the disease are: stupid, dumb, deaf (with different degrees of language and hearing impairment), small (short stature, some adults have it.

60 ~ 70 cm

High), paralysis. Features: big head, stupid face, dull expression, wide eye distance, flat nose, nostrils facing the sky, thick lips, tongue sticking out, salivation, etc. ③ Adult hypothyroidism: insufficient secretion of thyroid hormone in adults will lead to decreased excitability of the central nervous system, common speech and action retardation, memory loss, and apathy and lethargy all day long. ④ Iodine deficiency in pregnant women can cause infertility, premature delivery, stillbirth, malformation, hypothyroidism in newborns, simple deafness and increased neonatal mortality.

The basic meaning of iodine deficiency disease refers to the damage to human body caused by iodine deficiency in water, soil, grain and vegetables in a certain area, which can be manifested in the formation of various diseases. Include endemic goiter, endemic cretinism, endemic subclinical cretinism and infertility affecting fertility. Diseases such as premature infants, stillbirths and pre-deformed infants are collectively referred to as "iodine deficiency disorders".

The main manifestations of iodine deficiency hazards:

Severe iodine deficiency can lead to "big neck disease". Medically known as endemic goiter, it can cause dysphagia, shortness of breath, hoarseness and listlessness. It can also evolve into a thyroid tumor, and the patient is very painful. Can't even do manual labor. Iodine deficiency in pregnant women not only operates their own health, but also easily leads to stillbirth, spontaneous abortion and premature delivery. Fetuses with iodine deficiency are particularly prone to iodine deficiency, which will not only cause weight gain, congenital malformation and simple deafness. But more importantly, it will cause irreparable brain development damage, from stupidity, short stature, deafness and paralysis to mental retardation, which will affect learning.