Question about SF-36 scale: I can calculate eight dimensions, but ask: how do PCS (physical health) and MCS (mental health) calculate scores?

Calculate the final score (conversion score) of each item of SF-36 scale according to the formula method (between 0- 100); The score of each dimension is the average of the final score of the project; PCS score is the average of the first four dimensions (PF, RP, BP, GH), while MCS is the average of the last four dimensions (re, SF, MH, VT).

Calculation formula: conversion score = (actual score-the lowest possible score in this field)/the difference between the highest possible score and the lowest possible score in this field × 100.

References: Valleje, Cosinski M, Keller S. SF-36 Physical and Mental Health Summary Scale: User Manual [M]. Boston, Massachusetts: Institute of Health, New England Medical Center; 1994.