How many times is it normal to defecate on the same day? How can we prevent constipation?

Adults normally defecate 1-2 times a day or once every 1-2 days. As long as the number of defecations does not exceed three times a day and there is no obvious abnormality, it can be considered normal. If you defecate less than three times a week, you should pay attention.

The process of defecation is also the way for the body to discharge excess waste. If you have dry stool and have difficulty defecating for a long time, please continue reading.

According to the function, constipation can be divided into functional constipation and organic constipation.

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Functional constipation

It refers to constipation without obvious organic lesions or secondary to metabolic diseases, systemic diseases or drug factors, which is characterized by functional defecation difficulty. Mainly because of some bad eating habits and lifestyles. , causing intestinal dysfunction.

If the patient has symptoms for a long time and does not take correct treatment measures, it may lead to anal bleeding, pain, anal fissure or hemorrhoids.


organic constipation

Organic constipation refers to constipation caused by organic diseases of organs, which affects the normal passage and excretion of feces. The most common is caused by intestinal diseases, such as intestinal inflammation, intestinal polyps, intestinal malignant tumors and so on. It may also be caused by endocrine or metabolic diseases, such as diabetes.

Having said that, how can we prevent constipation?

In fact, it can mainly change living habits and eating habits.

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Living habits

Get into the habit of defecating regularly. Usually, it is easier to defecate after getting up or after meals. You'd better go to the toilet at once, don't hold your shit.

Reduce the time to go to the toilet, and control one defecation within 5 minutes. It is recommended to exercise every day for more than 30 minutes each time.


eating habits

Nowadays, people eat too fine food, or often drink and eat spicy and greasy food. So it is necessary to make a change. It is suggested to increase the intake of vegetables and fruits. Proper crude fiber can stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis and help defecation. Usually you can eat coarse grains properly and don't eat irritating food often.

One more question. What should I do if I am already constipated?

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The first is to improve living habits and eating habits and drink more water.


You can massage the abdomen or press acupoints, such as Tian Shu, Zhongyu and Dachangshu.


If necessary, laxatives or laxatives can be used, but they can't be used for a long time to avoid the decline of intestinal function.