Sodium (the main component of salt) needed by human body mainly comes from food and drinking water. Salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce and pickles, pickled food, etc. Can provide more sodium, meat and vegetables can also provide a small amount of sodium. The daily sodium requirement of normal adults is 2200 mg. Generally, the sodium content in the food consumed by adults in China is about 1000mg per day, and the sodium intake from salt is about 1200mg. Therefore, on the basis of daily food, the intake of 3 g salt basically meets the needs of human sodium, but in fact, many people's daily salt intake far exceeds the level of 3 g.
According to the data of the national survey on nutrition and health in 2002, the average daily salt intake of the national residents is 12g, including 10.9g in cities and12.4g in cities. In rural areas. The average amount of soy sauce is 8.9g, including urban 10.6g and rural 8.2g.. Although these figures are slightly lower than 1992, they are far higher than the recommended amount of 6g salt, and the risk of chronic diseases still exists.
China Nutrition Society recommended that the daily salt intake of healthy adults (including the amount of salt in soy sauce and other foods) be 6g. Although the World Health Organization put forward the suggestion of 5 grams of salt per person per day in 2006, the current recommended value is still maintained because there is a big gap between the actual salt intake of China residents and the current recommended value of 6 grams.