How often do men pee?

When it comes to peeing, no one will say no except babies. However, from the perspective of fitness and disease prevention, how many people dare to say that the urination method is scientific?

Squatting to urinate is very particular.

For men, if they can change to squatting and urinating like women, they will be less affected by cancer. It turns out that squatting urination can cause a series of muscle movements and related reflexes, accelerate the removal of intestinal waste, shorten the residence time of feces in the intestine, and reduce the reabsorption of carcinogens such as hydrogen sulfide, indole and fecal odor, thus protecting the intestinal mucosa from carcinogens. According to the survey data, the cancer rate of men who urinate in squatting position is 40% lower than that of men who urinate in standing position, which is one of the mysteries of the low incidence of intestinal cancer in Indian men who are used to squatting position.

It is healthiest to line up once an hour.

When and how often people urinate, there is no certain rule. The usual practice is as follows:

Go to the toilet when the urine is swollen (that is, the bladder is full). But now there is a saying that if you don't want to be a bladder cancer patient, you have to remember the latest advice of medical experts: whether you want to pee or not, you should pee every hour. Experts from the National Institute of Physical Poisoning explained that the possibility of bladder cancer is directly proportional to the time that urine stays in the bladder. It turns out that there is a carcinogen in urine, which can invade the muscle fibers of bladder, destroy its cells and promote its canceration. The researchers compared the urine discharged every hour with the urine discharged every 2-3 hours. The latter contains quite a lot of carcinogens, so it is recommended to urinate 1 time per hour, which can effectively reduce the risk of bladder cancer. Clever discharge of residual urine:

If urine is not exhausted, it is easy to induce urinary tract infection.

After urinating, squeeze the perineum between scrotum and anus with your fingers. This can not only discharge residual urine, but also be beneficial to patients with prostatitis.

Frequent levator ani exercises to enhance the contractility of perineal muscles and urethral muscles can promote the discharge of residual urine as soon as possible.