How to maintain healthy living habits during the epidemic?

Habit 1: During the epidemic period of wearing masks, everyone is in danger. People who don't wear masks can hardly be seen in the streets and supermarkets. Masks can effectively isolate some suspended particles, viruses or bacteria in the air. Even if there is no epidemic, this habit will continue to keep viruses and bacteria away from themselves.

Habit 2: Washing hands frequently can effectively prevent the spread of respiratory diseases such as influenza. In daily life, our hands have the most opportunities to contact with various objects, and are regarded as the most direct transmission medium of pathogenic microorganisms. There are about 400,000 bacteria attached to one hand.

Habit 3: Improving immunity The improvement of immunity can ensure the normal function of the immune system, promote endocrine stability and reduce various bacterial infections. Some people lack training for a long time, do not cultivate good exercise habits, and do not pay attention to diet control, which leads to a sharp decline in immunity, which leads to a variety of diseases infected by viruses and bacteria, and also causes systemic manifestations, which greatly interferes with people's living conditions.

Habit 4: There are many infectious diseases when using public chopsticks, many of which are spread from the dining table. A variety of infectious diseases may enter the mouth through tableware diseases, especially when using chopsticks. The mouth and saliva of diners are in direct contact with chopsticks, and everyone is prone to cross-infection with Helicobacter pylori in a plate. Advocate public chopsticks, whether eating out or at home.