For example, estimate the nonlinear regression statistical model.
# Read data and view it
f & lt-read.csv(file="D:/XXX.csv ")
# Make a scatter plot between x and y
Drawing (f$y~f$x)
# Estimating β 1 and β2 by nls function
nls(f $ y ~ 1/(β 1+β2 * exp(-f $ x)),data=f,start=list(β 1= 1,β2= 1))
# Add a nonlinear regression line
y & lt-f$y
x & lt-f$x
f & lt-function(β 1,β2,x){ 1/(β 1+β2 * exp(-x))}
f . 1 & lt; -function (x){f (β 1, β2, x) with estimation}.
Curve (f. 1, add=T, col="red ")