What items should be checked in physical examination?

Physical examination items: generally, it includes female physical examination items and male physical examination items, and the specific examination depends on the individual's specific situation. In addition, the physical examination items also have different physical examination items according to the different needs of civil servants' physical examination, physical examination abroad and physical examination on entry. Generally, there are liver function, blood sugar, blood lipid, renal function, abdominal B-ultrasound, male B-ultrasound, female B-ultrasound, routine hematuria, hepatitis screening, chest X-ray, electrocardiogram, internal medicine, surgery, otolaryngology.

Physical examination is based on the principle of early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment, which is a cause that benefits the country and the people.

Physical examination report is private, one-on-one physical examination report is explained, positive report is reported in time, national green channel for medical treatment, remote consultation, etc. And it is the whole etiquette service.


Three categories

1. The physical examination items of the clinical physical examination department require doctors to have rich clinical experience.

2. The physical examination items of the instrument physical examination department mainly rely on equipment, and technicians assist doctors to detect their physical condition through equipment.

3. The physical examination items of the laboratory physical examination department are mainly blood and urine, and then laboratory tests are carried out.

Detailed division and detailed content, the clinical significance is as follows: general examination, internal medicine, surgery, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, anorectal department, gynecological routine and other clinical projects.

With simple instruments, we can understand the basic situation of the body through physical examination such as on-site palpation.


Draw blood (for laboratory examination)

Take a blood sample.

X-ray examination

Through chest X-ray fluoroscopy, the diseases that can be screened out include tuberculosis, lung tumor, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, bronchiectasis, tracheal dilatation, ventricular hypertrophy, aortic arch protrusion, scoliosis and the diagnosis of chest bone diseases. If the frontal chest X-ray examination is normal, but there is a long-term cough with bloodshot sputum, it is necessary to add a lateral chest X-ray examination.

bone density

People's bone mineral density reaches its peak around the age of 30, and then the bone is lost year by year, leading to the looseness and fragility of bone structure, and gradually "osteoporosis" appears. Therefore, it is best for normal people to have a screening every year after the age of 30.

Five ultrasonic examinations

Common subitem detection


Imported capsule endoscope

It is called "Intelligent Capsule Gastrointestinal Endoscope System" and "Medical Wireless Endoscope". Capsule endoscopy has the advantages of convenient examination, no trauma, no lead, no pain, no cross infection and no influence on the normal work of patients. It broadens the vision of digestive tract examination, overcomes the shortcomings of traditional insertion endoscope, such as poor tolerance, inapplicability to the elderly, infirmity and critical illness, and can be used as the first choice for the diagnosis of digestive tract diseases, especially small intestine diseases.


Check whether there are lesions in gallbladder, liver, pancreas, spleen and kidney. It mainly examines eight parts, including liver, intrahepatic bile duct, common bile duct, gallbladder, kidney, hepatic portal vein, pancreas, spleen and others. Detect fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, hepatolithiasis, unexplained abdominal pain and other diseases.

Prostate ultrasound


Prostatic hyperplasia, prostatitis, prostate cancer, prostate cyst, prostate abscess, prostate tuberculosis, prostate calculus, etc.


Electrocardiogram (ECG) is used to track the potential changes related to heartbeat, so as to judge whether there are abnormal conditions such as atrial or ventricular hypertrophy, myocardial infarction, irregular pulse, pericarditis and systemic diseases.

Five items of internal medicine

(heart, lung, liver, spleen, nervous system, etc. ) exclude medical diseases or find signs of medical diseases through physical examination.

Seven operations

(Skin, spine, limbs, thyroid, breast, anus, external genitalia, etc. ) Understand the basic situation of surgical system through palpation and physical examination.

Ophthalmology 4 items

(Vision, color discrimination, exophthalmos, intraocular pressure, fundus, slit lamp examination, etc. )

The eyes are an important tool for transmitting external conditions to the brain. To know whether they are normal or not, it is necessary to have an eye examination. Understand whether there are lesions in fundus and blood vessels through fundus photography; Such as diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, cataract, optic neuritis and optic atrophy.

department of stomatology

10 (lip, cheek, tooth, gum, periodontal ligament, tongue, palate, parotid gland, submandibular gland, infratemporal gland) passed the physical examination, and dental diseases were excluded or signs of dental diseases were found.

ENT (ear-nose-throat) department

Seven items (hearing, external ear, internal ear, nasal cavity, nasal septum, pharynx, larynx, etc. ) mainly includes: ear, nose, nasopharynx, oropharynx, throat and other parts. Ears: eardrum rupture, otitis media, etc. Nose: sinusitis, curvature of diaphragm, tonsil lesions, etc. Throat: Polyps, nodules, laryngeal tumors, etc.

Gynecology 4 items

Gynecological routine

Screening the size, color and shape of the cervix; Whether there is erosion, polyp, tumor and inflammation; And quantity, nature, color, smell, etc. And touch the elasticity, smoothness and tenderness of the vagina; And touch the uterus and accessories for tenderness, lumps, etc.

Cervical smear

It is important to screen cervical cancer by cervical smear. The incidence of cervical cancer is high, but the mortality rate is not so high, mainly because of the effect of early detection and early treatment. Because cervical smear examination is an effective method to screen cervical cancer, all women who have sex should be examined once a year.

Infrared scanning of breast

Mammography is an X-ray instrument used to observe compressed breasts. This X-ray examination can find many breast lesions that cannot be touched by hands, and the probability of finding early breast cancer is quite high.

Gynecological b-ultrasound

Gynecological ultrasound examination can find out whether there are lesions in reproductive organs such as uterus and ovary. Screening diseases: diseases such as hysteromyoma, hysterofibroma, uterine cancer, endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial cancer, ovarian cyst and ovarian cancer can be found.

routine blood test

White blood cell count (WBC) is mainly used for defense work. If white blood cells increase or decrease, they need to be classified as bacterial infection or viral infection or leukemia (commonly known as hematologic cancer).

The value of white blood cell classification of lymphocytes (LYN) is helpful for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.


Red blood cell count Anemia or blood loss will affect the number of red blood cells.

High values may lead to polycythemia or thalassemia;

The low value may be anemia.

Hemoglobin (HGB) is mainly used to check whether there is anemia.

Hematocrit (HCT) refers to the percentage of red blood cells in the blood, which can help us to understand the degree of anemia more correctly.

Mean red blood cell volume (MCV) is a reference index to distinguish various anemia.

Average erythrocyte hemoglobin content

mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration

Red blood cell volume distribution width (RDW) When the size of red blood cells changes greatly, RDW will increase, which can be used as a reference for the diagnosis of anemia.

High platelet count (PLT) may be related to polycythemia, chronic myeloid leukemia, myelofibrosis, splenectomy, chronic infection or acute infection recovery period. When the platelet value is too low, there may be aplastic anemia with bleeding tendency and poor coagulation.

Mean platelet volume

Platelet distribution width (PDW)

Platelet hematocrit (percentage)

The value of the classification of monocytes and leukocytes is helpful for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.

Relative percentage of lymphocytes (LRR%)

Relative percentage of granulocytes (RPR%)

Relative percentage of monocytes (MPR%)