What are the symptoms of pigeon respiratory diseases?

Severe breathing difficulties, pigeons will have symptoms such as stretching their necks to breathe, abdominal exertion, and violent tail swinging, which is easy to see. Occasionally, you can see the phenomenon of purple mucosa, but it is difficult to judge what pathogen is caused by the color of mucosa, the amount or characteristics of mucus.

Chlamydia infection, aspergillosis, abdominal tumor, egg retention, ooperitonitis, circulatory problems, heart failure and visceral gout may all lead to severe respiratory symptoms. Although chlamydia infection is mainly caused by respiratory system, its symptoms are usually enteritis and liver disease, which usually occurs in young pigeons. Fungal infection can lead to fungal pneumonia, which is mainly related to poor hygiene management, feeding wet feed and increasing fungal spores in the air. Most injuries were found at autopsy.

Abnormal breath sounds may occur in the upper respiratory tract (nose) or the lower respiratory tract (trachea). If you put a pigeon to your ear, you can't hear breathing under normal circumstances. If you can hear abnormal sounds, then the pigeon's throat may be swollen. If you sneeze while carrying a pigeon cart, it is absolutely abnormal. If only one or two young pigeons have abnormal breathing sounds, usually no lesions can be found in the lungs and airbags, and the general symptoms will automatically heal.

If several litters occur at the same time, it may cause the growth delay and feather development damage of young pigeons. After the symptoms disappear, hepatosplenomegaly and ballonitis are often seen at autopsy. Crowded, damp and even well-ventilated dovecotes may occur among young pigeons who leave the nest early.

Pigeons with severe rhinitis can be seen scratching their heads. Pigeons will also shake their heads if there is liquid accumulation in the nasal cavity.

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