Inoculate with health vaccine

Children's resistance is not worse than that of adults, and their disease resistance is relatively poor. In order to prevent children from suffering from various diseases at an early age, we should give them various vaccines after birth to help prevent the occurrence of various diseases. As a parent, you should be able to know something about the vaccines your child has had, such as what kind of vaccine your child wants to have. Five kinds of self-funded vaccines that children must take, for the sake of their health, no matter how expensive!

First: pneumonia vaccine.

Pneumonia vaccine is mainly to prevent pneumococcal infection. Although most premature babies are vaccinated, it's okay for you to take your children to get vaccinated. Once you get pneumococcal infection, it's really troublesome. There will be no pneumonia, there will be complications such as otitis media and meningitis! It's terrible to think about it!

Second: hand, foot and mouth disease vaccine

Hand, foot and mouth disease mainly affects children under 5 years old. There are more than 20 kinds of enteroviruses that cause hand, foot and mouth disease, among which enterovirus 7 1 (EV7 1) is the main pathogen that causes hand, foot and mouth disease, and vaccination with 7 1 vaccine is the only vaccine that can be used to prevent hand, foot and mouth disease at present. The sooner the hand, foot and mouth disease vaccine is vaccinated, the better. It is best to complete the vaccination before 12 months.

Third: Haemophilus influenzae type B mixed vaccine (Hib vaccine)

Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib for short) is mainly transmitted by airborne droplets. Children under 5 years old, especially babies between 2 months and 2 years old, are easily infected. Due to the widespread abuse of antibiotics in China, the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics has increased, and it is difficult to diagnose and treat after infection, which can lead to otitis media, pneumonia and meningitis. Hib vaccination is the best way to prevent Hib infection.