What is the reason why hands and feet always sweat?

Love sweating of hands and feet is a manifestation of hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis is an abnormal increase in sweat secretion caused by various factors. The causes of hyperhidrosis are congenital and acquired, including systemic hyperhidrosis and localized hyperhidrosis, diseases and neurological disorders. Congenital factors are mainly due to the well-developed sweat glands, so sweat secretion is strong. Disease factors, such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism, fever and autonomic nervous dysfunction. Functional factors include nervous reflex caused by mental stress, anxiety and fear, which leads to increased sweat secretion. Therefore, there may be many reasons for sweating. In case of love sweating of hands and feet, we should first try to reduce the inducing factors, including emotional tension, anxiety, exercise, etc., and rule out the primary disease. Treatment mainly adopts external astringent antiperspirant, such as 3%-5% formaldehyde and 20%-25% aluminum acetate solution. For severe hyperhidrosis of hands and feet, local injection of botulinum toxin can be considered to inhibit sweat gland secretion.