What is the core of a healthy diet
Whole wheat bread, rye bread, miscellaneous grain bread, oatmeal, brown rice, etc. Tip: You should eat more whole grains (compared with flour and rice, whole grains are not processed, such as bran) and eat less flour and rice, especially grains containing sugar and other additives, such as white bread, biscuits and white rice. Fruits All fresh, frozen and canned fruits and pure fruit juices. Such as: oranges and orange juice, apples and apple juice, grapes and so on. Tips: If canned fruit must be soaked in water or pure fruit juice (not sugar water), the soaked fruit juice is inedible; Dried fruits (dried apricots, peaches, bananas, etc. ) are not core foods; Sugar-sweetened juice is not the core food. Vegetables fresh or canned (excluding seasonings, fat, sugar and other additives) vegetables. Tips: stir-fry, oil-soaked vegetables, pickled vegetables, pickles, etc. Not the core food; Vegetable juice with sugar is not the core food. Low-fat or skim milk, skim cheese, low-fat or skim sugar-free yogurt in milk and dairy products and milk substitutes; Soymilk, tofu and legumes (and other milk substitutes) without additives. Tips: All the related foods made from the above foods, such as milkshake and hot chocolate, must be sugar-free and low-calorie foods to become core foods. Lean meat and beans include: fish and other seafood: fresh, frozen and any other form of poultry: chicken, duck, goose, fresh, frozen and finished products or visceral cattle, sheep and pork: this item only includes a small amount of fat, such as tenderloin and visceral meat substitutes: bean products (vegetarian meat) Tips: Fish and seafood: If you buy canned food, choose non-oil soaked ones. Poultry: Remove all visible fat before cooking, and don't eat the skin. Beef, sheep and pork: choose lean meat. If possible, try to remove visible fat. If you buy meat stuffing, try to buy the one with the least fat content. Sausage, bacon, bacon and all other pickled foods are not core foods. Eggs and Their Substitutes Whole Eggs, protein and Their Artificial Substitutes Tips: Most eggs (such as eggs) have high cholesterol content, so it is advisable to eat 2 yolks a week. Tips for cooking oil palm oil, olive oil and sunflower seed oil: no more than 2 teaspoons per day during weight loss; Animal oil is not a core food. Nuts and seeds Non-fried nuts and seeds, such as sunflower seeds, almonds, peanuts, etc. Tips: Don't exceed the recommended copies every day. Drinks: sugar-free coffee, green tea (sugar-free), sugar-free fruit juice or vegetable juice, soda water (sugar-free) and water.