Wu Zixu helped He Lv, the king of Wu, to reorganize his army and defeat neighboring countries, which made Wu increasingly strong, so he became a great hero of Wu. And after the death of Lu, Fu Cha succeeded to the throne. Fu Cha listened to the slanderers of the treacherous court official, and at the same time, he was in line with the plan of Gou Jian, the king of Yue. He ate, drank, and was merry all day long, but he never listened to the admonition of many loyal ministers, including Wu Zixu. On one occasion, Fu Cha was playing with the stone, and white-haired Wu Zixu came to remonstrate. Fu Cha was very annoyed. For the sake of Wu, Wu Zixu persuaded Fu Cha earnestly. Fu Cha, a dissolute and treacherous country, threw an "ornamental" sword at Wu Zixu, forcing Wu Zixu to commit suicide. Wu Zixu felt hopeless in persuading Fu Cha, and Wu would soon perish. So before he died, he said to the people below his opponent, "As a minister of Wu, I can never be loyal to my country in my life. After I die, you should hang my head at the city gate. I want to see how Gou Jian's army passed under my nose, or I will die with my eyes closed! " Later, the army of the King of Yue was indeed Enemy at the Gates, and the State of Wu was in jeopardy. At this time, Wu Zixu's head hanging on the gate suddenly swelled almost as big as a wheel, his eyes glowed, and he had to be angry, scaring the enemy away. The enemy had to divert into the city from the east gate (now Suzhou is closed). Wu perished from then on.
It is said that after Wu Zixu's death, Fu Cha put Wu Zixu's body in a cloth bag and threw it into the river. The body drifted all the way to the mouth of Taihu Lake, and the locals respected him very much. They fished out his body and buried it on the river bank. In memory of Wu Hero, later generations called the gate of Wu Zixu, the river where the corpse was dumped, Xujiang, and the entrance of Xujiang to Taihu Lake, Xukou. Therefore, the name of our town has a long history of 2500 years, and its name is closely linked with the name of a hero.