Nutrition guide during pregnancy: how to avoid nutritional deficiency and ensure maternal and child health?

Giving birth to a new life is a special journey in life, and in this journey, nutrition intake is particularly important. For the health of you and your baby, we offer the following suggestions to help you avoid nutritional deficiency during pregnancy.

A diversified diet

Enrich your dining table like a colorful drawing board! Choose foods rich in protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, lean meat and fish.

The magic of folic acid

Folic acid is very important for the development of fetal neural tube. From the beginning of pregnancy, make sure you get enough folic acid through food or supplements to protect your baby.

Healthy growth of bones

Calcium and vitamin D are the two cornerstones of bones. Ensure its intake through diet or supplements, and lay a solid foundation for maternal and child bone health.

Iron tip

In order to meet the needs of the fetus and herself, pregnant women need more iron. Increase the intake of iron-rich foods such as red meat, poultry, fish, beans and green leafy vegetables, and at the same time mix with foods rich in vitamin C to promote the absorption of iron.

Stay away from empty heat

Foods high in sugar, fat and salt can only provide calories rather than nutrition. Choose healthy snacks, such as nuts, yogurt or fruit, to provide you and your baby with more comprehensive nutrition.

Snack dayi

Divide three meals into five to six meals to maintain blood sugar stability and reduce hunger. Let every bite be full of nutrition and care!

Professional guidance

Everyone has different nutritional needs. Consult a professional doctor or dietitian and make a special diet plan according to your personal situation.