Milk or yogurt?

Protein, fat, vitamins and other nutrients of fresh milk and yogurt are similar, and they can replace each other in this respect. The difference between the two is that the protein and fat of yogurt are more easily absorbed by human body, and the utilization rate of calcium, phosphorus and iron is also greatly improved. Lactic acid bacteria in yogurt produce organic acids such as lactic acid, which effectively reduces the pH of the intestine, thus effectively inhibiting the reproduction of harmful bacteria in the intestine. Yogurt can increase intestinal beneficial bacteria and maintain the balance of intestinal flora. Yogurt can also promote the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, increase appetite, enhance gastrointestinal digestive function, and treat adolescent constipation and dyspepsia. But yogurt can't be heated, while milk can be heated. It is more suitable for some people who are afraid of cold stomach to drink fresh milk. Yogurt has a high sugar content and is not suitable for fat people and people who are losing weight. One or two-year-old children, gastrointestinal development is not perfect, some are not suitable for drinking yogurt, it is best to drink milk. In addition, the acidic substances of yogurt are easy to corrode teeth, so you should pay attention to gargle after drinking.