Which countries do well-known enterprises come from?

Usa Walmart

Royal Shell (RoyalDutchShell)

Exxonmobil USA

Toyota Motor Corporation of Japan

France AXA insurance company

Chevron USA

general electric company

French total

Volkswagen Germany

ConocoPhillips, USA

Italy AssicurazioniGenerali

Allianz Germany Co.

Carrefour France

Ford motor company of America

Italy ENI group

JPMorgan Chase (J.P. Morgan Chase &; Company.) USA

Hewlett-Packard Company of America

Germany yiang group

Berkshire, USA

Daimler USA

Samsung galaxy Corp.

Citigroup (Citigroup) USA

Mckesson (mckesson) USA

Verizon communications Inc.

Central Bank of Spain

American General Motors Corporation

HSBC Holdings UK Company

Siemens Germany

Lloyds Banking Group, UK

American Cardinal Health Organization

Nestle Switzerland

Wells Fargo

Hitachi Japan Corp.

American International Business Machines Corporation