Cat defecation is related to its health. Cats in childhood defecate more frequently than adults. When a cat is a few months old, it defecates 2-5 times a day, sometimes 2-3 times, sometimes 3-5 times. If it defecates frequently, it is necessary to pay attention to the defecation situation, and pay attention to soft stool or diarrhea, which may be caused by enteritis or improper diet.
As an adult, cats defecate 1-3 times a day. Don't worry if there is nothing unusual in defecation. When the cat just got back, because the new environment will make it nervous or uncomfortable, the frequency of defecation may be reduced, so it may be pulled once every three days, and then it will be normal.
We need to train cats to defecate in the litter box. The method is to prepare a cat litter box with proper size, which is filled with cat litter, and then bury some cat excrement in it, and then hold it in the cat litter box when the cat is fed and defecated, and it will be excreted in the cat litter box after a while.