7- 12-month-old baby's complementary food, how should expectant mothers step by step?

Children can start eating some complementary foods at the age of 6 to 7 months. At this time, parents can choose complementary foods for their children, from thin to thick. First of all, parents can choose to prepare some rice noodles for their children when they start to eat complementary food. Eating rice noodles can meet the nutrition that children need and is also good for their health. And slowly wait until the child has eaten for about a month, parents can choose to add some fruit puree and vegetable puree to their children.

When children start to add complementary food, we can choose to give them some rice noodles in the morning and some breast milk or formula milk at noon or around 10 in the morning. After the child is hungry, you can also choose to give the child some vegetable paste or meat sauce. It should be noted that when you first add some complementary foods to your children, you must choose simple and nutritious complementary foods. When children grow up slowly, parents can choose to have a certain graininess when making complementary food, which can also promote the growth of children's teeth.

Parents can also add some fish or beef to their children's complementary food and crush it with a complementary food machine, so that children will eat healthier. In the process of choosing a diet for your child, you must choose according to your health. According to the age of the child, when we add complementary food to the child for the first time, we must choose to add some nutrients appropriately.

In fact, it is very important to find the choice of complementary food effectively. If we choose a very unhealthy diet for our children, it will have a great impact on their health and make them eat very unhealthy. Parents must pay attention to these situations. Usually, you must add food to your child step by step, or you can choose to study online more.