The underwriting age is 45-80 years old (extended to 100 years old); The guarantee period is one year; Hospitalization+specialist clinic+outpatient service before and after hospitalization; The payment method is lump-sum payment.
2. Love Worry-Free 3.0 Insurance Product Plan
Return at maturity, and the insured age is 30 days to 60 years old; The guarantee period is 60/70/80 years old; The main guarantee is cancer prevention; Payment method is one-time payment/annual payment.
3. Worry-free insurance product plan
The insured age is 30 days to 60 years old; The guarantee period is 60/70/80 years old; High compensation, due return and value guarantee. Payment method is one-time payment/annual payment.
4. Children's Supertreasure Old-age Security (Version 3.0)
The insured age is from 30 days of birth to 17 years old; The guarantee period is 30 years; 100 Major diseases and 50 specific diseases (mild diseases); 15 kinds of children's specific major diseases with additional insurance benefits; Double premium exemption, 150% due premium; The payment method is annual payment.
5. Enjoy millions of medical insurance.
The underwriting age is 30 days to 65 years old; The guarantee period is 1 year; The hospitalization limit for diseases 1 10,000/year, the accidental hospitalization limit of 2 million/year, and the major diseases limit of 3 million/year; The payment method is lump-sum payment.
China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd.-Health insurance?
China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd.-Health insurance?