Medical research has confirmed that sitting in a narrow cabin for a long time during a long flight may indeed lead to some serious health problems. However, some dangers are exaggerated by us. Then, what are the hazards that need to be paid attention to when flying frequently, and what problems will be caused by long-distance flights?
1, harmful gas
Although most pilots think that oil and gas leakage is a small probability accident, once it happens, it will be a disaster for passengers and pilots on board.
Smoke generated after oil leakage will enter the engine room through the engine. On the flight from Sydney to Brisbane on 1992, a flight attendant suffered from long-term respiratory disorder due to inhaling toxic gas, and she also received compensation of $6,543,803.
2. Bacterial transmission
Every winter, many people who travel by air will worry about whether bacteria such as influenza virus will infect themselves with the air after sitting in a closed cabin with hundreds of people on the plane for several hours. With the prevalence of avian influenza and various new viruses, this concern has attracted more and more attention.
According to experts' analysis, the most common way to infect bacteria in flight is to touch the unclean desktop, the door of the bathroom and the handle of the trunk at the top of the cabin. These places are full of bacteria and viruses. The pain and nausea after flying for several hours have nothing to do with the flu virus, but with the dry and oxygen-deficient air in the cabin. In addition, the new development of aircraft manufacturing and cabin filtration system makes flying more comfortable and reduces the possibility of pollution by other passengers.