Men should pay attention to reproductive health hazards when standing for a long time.

It is a well-known fact that sitting in the office for a long time is harmful to male reproductive health, but what you may not know is that standing for a long time is also harmful to male reproductive health. Male friends who need to stand for a long time because of work must pay more attention. Let's analyze the harm of standing for a long time to male reproductive health.

Just like sitting for a long time, standing for a long time is easy to make the blood flow of testicular vein not smooth and stay in the blood vessels, causing obstruction of spermatic vein in scrotum, and may cause abnormal swelling, and then varicocele.

Some people will have pain in testicles, inner thighs, groin and waist. In severe cases, prominent blood vessels can be seen from the appearance. This may also affect male fertility, because the blood retention in spermatic vein will cause the local temperature of testis to rise, and the metabolic waste can not be taken away in time, resulting in testicular malnutrition.

Men who need to stand for a long time should take a walk or sit down for a rest every hour. If you suspect that you have varicocele, you can go to self-observation first. After holding your breath, you can't see varicose veins, and those who can feel venous lumps are mild.

At the same time, the blood in the left internal spermatic vein returns, bringing the metabolites secreted by adrenal gland and kidney to testis, inhibiting sperm production and affecting sperm quality and quantity. After a long time, it will even affect the function of testis, leading to the phenomenon that testis becomes soft and small, and the mass can gradually disappear to moderate after lying down; Visible to the naked eye, you can feel the obvious earthworm-like texture. Even when lying down, it slowly disappears and becomes violent.

Generally speaking, people with no symptoms or mild symptoms can only use scrotal sling or tight underwear to improve scrotum. If you have severe pain symptoms, you must seek medical attention in time.