Where can I find a better psychological counselor in Ningbo?

If you want to find a psychological counselor, teachers Ma Ningxiang and Zhang Junbo are both good.

However, I'm a little curious. Do you equate a counselor with a psychiatrist?

Psychologist is the abbreviation of medical psychologist who can provide effective psychological consultation, has a doctor background and has the right to prescribe, but in fact, most psychologists still focus on drug treatment, and psychological consultation is just a signboard.

Generally speaking, counselors don't use drugs to help others (because drug therapy is aimed at abnormal groups with mental illness, not normal unhealthy groups helped by counselors).

Of course, the difference between psychologists and counselors is becoming more and more blurred and interactive.

Psychological counselors in Ningbo are mainly concentrated in Ningbo Renhe Psychological Counseling Center, Healthy City Psychological Counseling Center, Xinyi Psychological Counseling Center and other institutions. Just ask these institutions.